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Thankfully, I'm not late.

"What's that?" I asked when I saw them happily playing a toy.

Chocho turned to me with a smile, "A lie detector, hehe!" And then she evily smiled. "Try it, Sarada!"

"Ok?" I really don't know how it works so, I think it would be better if I try it. Right?

I put my hand on it and they press the button for something. I really don't know this toy.

They are all watching and seem like waiting for what will happen.

"Ok, Sarada! I'll ask you a question and you'll answer it honestly." Chocho said.

I nodded, "Okay."

"Do you..." Mitsuki suddenly interrupted Chocho, "like Boruto?"

What the...

I saw him sat on his chair next to mine before I answer. "No way!"

I nearly shouted when I got zapped by its rapid vibration and made my hand move away from it. It was not that painful, but surprising!

"What does that mean?" I asked them as they laughed when I got zapped.

"It means, you surely like Boruto." Mitsuki responsed with a smile.

I turned to Boruto and I caught him staring at me so I immediately looked away. "No way! That toy was absolutely fake!" I grumbled with my arms crossed.

"It was a lie detector, after all." Shikadi said with a shrug.

"Hmp!" I just sat on my chair, controlling my boiling anger at the damn lie detector toy.

Dammit, I shouldn't try it. I regret trying that stupid toy!

I looked at the other direction and caught him still staring at me with a smug smile. "What!?" I asked.

"Just admit it, already. You li--"

"Shut up." I immediately cut him off and get my earphones and Ipod on my bag then wears it to avoid the blonde idiot who's seated next to me.

This day is getting worst.. aish!


Seriously, listening to the song 'Lost Stars' was calming me. My blood suddenly went down from my head as I hear its chorus.

🎶☆Who are we?
Just a speck of dust within the galaxy?
Woe is me,

if we're not careful turns into reality

Don't you dare
let our best memories bring you sorrow
I saw a lion kiss a deer
Turn the page
maybe we'll find a brand new ending
Where we're dancing in our tears and

God, tell us the reason
youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season
and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars,
trying to light up the dark?☆🎶

I didn't know I was already silently singing some of its parts, and then I saw a flash of light on my left side. "Oopps." He said with a teasing look.

"What the.."

I angerly removed my earphones and strongly strike him on the nape. "Aarg-- what was that for!?" He yelled while holding his nape.

"Did I ask you to took a photo of me!?"

"NO! That was not a photo! I took a video of you singing." He said while unpleasantly smiling at me while holding his phone.

"Damn you!! Delete it!!" I said and tried to get his phone.

He raised his hand higher, "No way! It could be my lullaby in order to sleep." He reasoned.

"Then voice record your Mom's voice singing lullaby, idiot!!" I said, still trying to reach his phone.
"No, no. This one is better!"

I held his left shoulder and tries to reach it but he gripped my waist with his both hands that made me froze to death.

I shockingly looked at his eyes asking him 'why did he do that?' because my voice suddenly disappeared. But he just stare at me... and it feels like the time... froze too as I am.

And then we saw a flash of light and heard a loud shutter on our side. It was Mitsuki, holding an DSLR. "Denki, you didn't turn off the flash?" Mitsuki asked innocently.

Sht! Our position were so awkward!! I immediately sat down properly and covered my blushy face with my both hands. It's because of the embarrassing moment, sht!

"Now! Now! Please move away, my DEAR Sarada feels so embarrassed . Please let my BABY breathe some air." He still continously teasing me. "Right, Babe?" He patted my head and made me feel embarassed more.


The class was over, I was about to get my bag and walk out the classroom when someone suddenly grab my wrist.

"What?" I asked while raising one of my eyebrows.

He wears his bag and also picked mine, "I'll get you home." I was in shock for a minute and my heart was beating so fast like someone's chasing it.

"W-why?" Sht.

Why am I stuttering?! I feel like a frightened cat, damn.

"I need to visit your Dad and talk to him." He answered.

"Why?" I asked again, controlling my nervousness.

"That's none of your business."

Aw, that one shot me alive.

Wait... WHY AM I GETTING HURT OF WHAT HE SAID!? I don't even care!!

"Let's go." He said and went off our room so I just shrugged and followed him.

While following him way home, I wonder... WHY DOES HE NEED TO HOLD MY BAG? I'M NOT AN OLD WOMAN ANYWAY!

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