dead apple (movie review)

Start from the beginning

21) they got their abilities back way too easily. what happened to yosano and the others, tho? how did they get theirs back? no clips shown. it was just fighting.

22) why did the ball of abilities take dazai? was he really snow white and the dragon was his evil stepmother?

23) chuuya got too much screen time. he defeated the fucking dragon despite the way people told him of its horrific dangers and all that shit, and that he could die, etc etc, JUST BY SHOVING A FUCKING BUILDING INTO ITS MOUTH AND LETTING IT IMPLODE. that was a really quick battle, too. i mean, if the dragon was that powerful so as to let the people literally cower like it was some ill goddamn omen, then even his insane mode wouldn't have been able to take it down that easily. i've got nothing against him defeating that creature, but to me, it looked way too easy and quickly, considering the dragon's forces. maybe it was just the opening act for crystal guy's one-man-showdown? hmmm?

24) for the last time, bungo stray dogs, no one wants to see akutagawa's magical girl transformation.

25) sushi took way too long to get his ability back. like, dude, those were happening while the others were battling, right? then he should already have been there the instant crystal guy transformed as well, or maybe a few seconds after that. not after a few fight minutes crystal guy spent bonding with the two kids. and again, at the nick of time, at that, like a typical anime scene. wow, if only irl was like that.

26) why was akutagawa the only one who didn't get a tragic backstory flashback drama??? like dude, literally nothing is known of him yet, save for that one certain flashback in the anime during the times dazai was still training him. the manga had a special chapter for him, though, revealing his slums kid background, but other than that, nothing else. even chuuya got his special movie with dazai... wait, so that means this isn't the first movie, then? ok fuck my life. anyways, even mori gets his fair share of a backstory. why not aku?

27) the tiger thing in atsushi's psychological world was definitely a clip from episode 1 lol

28) at what point of the anime did the movie even happen? after season 2, before season 2, somewhere between season 1, or what?

29) there was definitely much soukoku fanservice on that one part. you know what i mean; what the hell was that position anyways? animators, ples. not everyone wants some yaoi at a serious moment. ok, sorry, maybe innocent people wouldn't see what's wrong with it. i kinda just gave myself away, oops, tee-hee. why were the two of them so peaceful with each other at that time, anyways? maybe bc chuuya was way too exhausted to talk back, or dazai was too caught up in the situation that he didn't retain his silly exterior. also, i thought corruption rendered chuuya braindead to those around him? how come he still had the intention to punch dazai, or get into the dragon, or whatever?

30) crystal guy's physical state was also unclear. so... was he a ghost, or a zombie, or what? what was the skull, anyways? That was his skull, right? how come he still has his physical body? i might just be dumb, but honestly, i was utterly stupefied by this. so was he a walking lump of carrion who happened to look normal, or was he a specter? how the fuck did he transfom into that magi character at the end, anyways? like, boi, too much to explain. you mean, he has a physical body, but then, he dissolved and wrapped itself around that damaged skull again? how did he lose his memories, anyways? and where did fyodor get the information about this occurence from, anyways? he said he would "tell you later" but then it never happened. really?

31) how was atsushi and crystal guy standing together in the same image? i thought atsushi was in his own mind and crystal guy was someplace else? so, is he really a ghost, then? and if he was a zombie, how the fuck would he not notice himself rotting? H O W  IN THE WORLD DOES HIS BODY WORK

32) it was kinda too easy for them to defeat transformed crystal guy. i thought he couldn't die? how come he did after a few punches and shit? and that kinda fight? he exhausted his power or sth? or was it because he found "salvation"? or did he "surrender to the futility of what he has been doing til now"? seriously, though, i hope things get the fuck clearer because the opponents looked intimidating, but were not actually that powerful. either that or i'm just used to way too much shonen battles that involve multiple episodes, or dying all over again (hello tokyo ghoul), or intense magic battles that plant holes in your body and cause you to power up (hello magi).

33) sushi defeated the guy way too easily. end of explanation. wasn't even exhausted. i understand the lack of scratches and injuries bc healing abilities, but why in the world was he, along with the other two, too clean after the battle? oh, you mean free shower in the fog?

34) dawn was too quick to come. the sun shone way too fast, not even giving the sky a time to adjust, or the sun to rise gradually as it always does. and why the fuck was it exactly after the fight, anyways? i'm still not over the fact that it kinda just turned to morning, though. no warnings at all.


36) how did the poison not yet consume dazai during his unconscious phase? you mean it was too slow-acting, and he faked his sleep to show crystal guy and fyodor the poison worked? you mean the antidote worked the instant chuuya punched him? it didn't even take seven minutes (which is, apparently, the average time it would take for whatever you intake to enter your system) and yet he was already able to "heal" from POISON that rendered him unconscious? how, even, did he not die of blood loss? and where was the blood and the knife when he finally got out of the dragon? i'm still way too confused about the way antidotes and poisons work in the world of bungo stray dogs. what kind of poison doesn't kill a person in like 10 minutes or so after literally weakening him in less than a minute earlier that day? and what kind of antidote heals a poison that has most likely already spread thru ur whole system, without even getting to your digestive? oh, wait, did the antidote just nullify the fucking poison like his ability does? haha, what an amazing explanation we got there. definitely. yes, the guy has amazing vitality, but seriously?

37) another dazai thing, where did he get his magical change of clothes at the end? and how did the bleeding stopppppppppppppppoodjbebwdjbxbwwjbc

38) how did the armed detective agency members somehoe get there at the same time, considering their different locations? you mean they met up somewhere, but as i said, it's impossible for people who were apart to just kinda get there way too fast on foot, right after the fog went away. the interval was too short, and if they had to rendezvous or recuperate or contact each other, it would not have been that speedy.

39) in the special ops office at the end, where the hell were the other workers, anyways? why was it only ango and the blue-haired "chick" in the headquarters piling up reports upon reports when they had too much work to do? are the other guys slackers or sth, or assholes, or does ango want himself some solo time with a potential girlfriend? what. the. fuck? they did a good job maintaining the cracked wall, but that's another loophole. the rest of the city was already fixed. but the wall of an important place which is actually really hazardous of a disaster, has not been mended yet? good thinking, animators.

40) atsushi and kyouka didn't close the door. rude kids.


ok so... wow, it's exactly 40. maybe some of my banters were repetitive, but seriously, this proves how much they have to work on the movie. why was it so short, anyways? like, if you're going to make it short, make sure the thing isn't too complicated. did they rush it because the fans were way too eager? did they rush it because of rheir lack of a budget? it haunts me to this hour, and i've finished the movie an hour and a half earlier. perfect time to forget crystal guy's name.

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