Chapter Four

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Arriving back at the village had my stomach in knots. I caught sight of Mikoto sauske in her arms and Itachi was close to her side. Imeaditly I went to her Taki not to far behind me. My eyes scanning her and the boys. Only to see the boys were fine. Mikoto's eyes were blood shot and puffy from crying. "What happened?" I watched as she swallowed hard and years filled her eyes. She pulled me into a hug. Tightening her grip when I went to pull away. "I can't say Jett, I'm so sorry." Her body shook as soft sobs racked her. "Mikoto your scaring me here. You and the boys are fine right? Is it Kakashi or Kushina and the baby?" My whole body went cold waiting for some type of answer. An answer I wasn't really ready for. All the dread that I was holding through my mission and my journey back. Was all but swallowing me whole. It had to be about Kushina and the baby. Mikoto wouldn't be this way other wise.

"Jett Uzumaki you are to come with us." I look over Mikoto's shoulder and spot two root anbu. My eyes narrow at the agents. I have always disliked Danzo. There was always something about him that rubbed me the wrong way. He also had a fascination with Kakashi that I really didn't like. "By whose orders?" It was Taki's voice that had everyone watching the two. With out a beat the two answered. " That is none of your business." At that point Mikoto's grip tightened on me. As Both Fugaku and Taki stood in front of me. Blocking me from the men. "She is a dear friend of the Uchia clan. As head of the family I have a right to know."

Both of the masked men looked at each other, befor facing Fugaku. "This is a urgent matter we do not have the time to explain." Not wanting a fight to start. I pull away from Mikoto to give Sauske and Itachi a quick kiss to head. Befor giving her a comforting smile. I walk toward Taki and stand in front of him. That's when I noticed his sharigan in its red glory. He was not willing to let me go. Which only solidified why I should. I looked at the anbu over my shoulder. " I'll go with you just give me a moment." Both of them nodded as Fugaku and Taki looked to me in surprise. "Taki listen I'll find you as soon as I'm done okay. I promise you Taki" His eyes back to their warm brown stared back into my ice gray. He sighed and ran his fingers through my lavender hair. Bunching it in his hand making me look up. "You have two hours Jett. Then I'm coming for you. I don't trust Danzo very much." He kissed my forhead. Which would have made me blush any other time. But at that moment I was just trying to keep myself together. He let me go and I moved to stand next to Fugaku. " Fugaku..." I didn't have to finish my sentence. His hand fell on my shoulder as he looked down. His eyes not only held sadness but a seriousness as well. " I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. But I will hold you to your promise. You come straight back to our home." I nod and step next to the anbu. Without a word we were jumping from roof to roof. Making our way to the Hokage office.

I couldn't help but look around as we did so. I could see so much sadness. As well as so much destruction. What could have happened since I was gone? Was there an attack on the village. Was there going to be another war? Why was there so much secrecy from Minato? Nothing was making sense to me right now. Soon we we were in the Hokage office. It wasn't Minato standing in front of me though. It was Lord third. As well as the elders and Danzo himself. Minato wasn't in the room. Which had warning bells going off inside me.

"Jett why don't you sit down." Lord Third's rough voice filled the room. I shook my head no. I wanted to he standing for whatever he had to say. He watched me for a moment. Befor Taking a deep breath. "Jett I am so sorry but Kushina and the Fourth Hokage are dead." Everything in me drained in a instant. I latched my hand to the back of a chair. Trying to keep myself from falling. "This is a joke. You have to be lying." My voice came out small. I couldn't believe it. Minato was the strongest person I knew. On top of that Kushina wouldn't go down easily either. Especially with Naruto being just born. Realization hit me then. He said The fourth and Kushina are dead. He said nothing about the baby. Was Naruto still alive? I looked up tears falling from my eyes. Waiting for him to tell me that the baby boy was dead too. " The  Tailed beast took form and destroyed the village. We lost many shinobi that night. To stop the beast Minato used the death reaper seal. When I arrived the nine tails tried killing Naruto. Kushina and Minato both threw themselves in front of him. They died protecting him." I couldn't hear the rest of what he was saying. I knew I should have stayed. Maybe if I was here things would have been different. Poor Naruto would be without his parents.

Parents that were so excited to have him. Kushina would have been a great mother. My breathing hitched and it took everything in me not to break down. I had to think of Naruto now. It was an agreement between Kushina,Minato and me. That if anything happened to them I would take care of Naruto. I gave them my word, and I planned to keep my promise. I stood up straight and faced the third. "Where is Naruto now? I will be taking care of him from here." Danzo laughed drawing my attention to him. This man always had my hair standing on end.

Everyone always said he had the best intentions for the village. While that maybe true the man went about it in the worst ways. The end never justifies the means. "Laugh all you want Danzo, but I made a promise to Kushina and the Fourth. I will be keeping it." I all but spat out his name. "No you won't the thing needs to be kept secret as well as his parents. If word got out from the village, it could cause a disaster." I glared at Danzo putting all my hate behind it. "A thing! Is that what we are calling him. A damn thing! The boy is just a baby. He has already lost his parents. Had a beast stuck inside him, and he isn't even a week old yet! Danzo you bastard I will be taking my God son home!" It wasn't Danzo though that answered me. The elders stood up behind me. Both were not pleased by the events unfolding befor them.

"Jett Danzo is right.." I didn't even let them finish befor I turned on them. My voice calm as I spoke to them. My anger burning so much that it felt like I was going to melt. "Kushina was my family my sister. I even carry the Uzumaki name given to me by her.  You don't want him knowing who he is I give you my word he won't. Even though the thought of doing so makes my stomach turn. However I'm leaving here with him." As I stared down the elders and Danzo. My breathing wanting to go ragged. While my body was tensed for a fight. The third nodded as if coming to decision. "Naruto is still in the hospital. I'll send someone to fetch him. Befor dying Minato not only asked he be considered a hero, but also that you take and raise him as your own."

Everyone else in the room looked at Lord third as if he was crazy. I was sure he didn't tell anyone this tid bit. Seeing the anger that settled over Danzo. Had a satisfying feeling settle over me. That quickly disappeared. Now that I knew Naruto was alright and coming home with me. Kakashi was my next worry. Quickly I faced the third. "Kakashi Hataki is he alright?" Lord third sent a look towards Danzo befor answering. "Yes he is safe and unharmed. He has become part of the root anbu." Imeaditly my heart felt like it stopped. Surely he was joking had to be. Yet looking over to Danzo.

I knew he wasn't wrong. Danzo had a small smirk to his lips. That had me wanting to rip his face off. "Your serious." Danzo didn't say anything. Not that he needed to. I couldn't say anything or do anything. I wasn't his guardian. No matter how much I wanted to demand he release Kakashi from the anbu.

I would just have to grit my teeth and bare it. I just hope that Kakshi doesn't loose himself. The door opened behind us catching my attention. Turning I was faced with another Anbu. In their arms though was a blonde baby. That I instantly knew was Naruto. They handed him over to me, and I couldn't help but get choked up. He was so tiny and looked exactly like Minato. Kushina would have been happy about that. Not giving anyone a chance to change their mind. I  turned quickly leaving the tower and headed to Mikoto's home. Not wanting to be in the elders presence any longer.

As I stepped into Mikoto's home. I was greeted by Mikoto, Fugaku and Taki. Mikoto came to me wrapping both Naruto and I in a hug. Finally my quiet tears turned to sobs. My heart and part of myself breaking that I had lost part of my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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