Chapter one

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I watched my best friend flit around her small kitchen. A laugh escaping me as she bumps into something again. Causing the red head to turn and scowl. Befor going back to cooking. I  remembered when I first showed up at the village. Seemed like ages ago now. A car accident in my own world landed me here. I tried so hard at first as to why I did. Not wanting to be part of this Shinobi world. I tried jutsu after jutsu each one failing. finally realizing I wasn't strong enough to use them. At some point I quit trying. Adapting to this new world and making my own family here. Kushina being one of the people that I had stuck to. They had become friends after her declaration of her becoming the first women Hokage. Everyone laughed at her that day. Except for Minato and I. He stood and declared he would be hokage also. While I sat in my seat wondering why it was funny. When she sat next to me everyone grimaced. I remember her shouting befor I told her it was because of me. I was a kid that just showed up. No last name no parents. I was a complete odd ball.

After that day it was hard to find us apart. The both of us kinda latching on to each other. When I finally told her where I was from. What had happened to me. She never once thought I was crazy. She took it all in stride and even offered to help me try to go back. Later on Mikoto joined their rag tag group. Being the same as Kushina when it came to my past.  now we are twenty-four year old women while Mikoto is 29. Both Kushina and Mikoto were married and both happily so. Although Mikoto was already happily married when we met. She started her family with little Itachi and now has just given birth to Sasuke. While Kushina was about to have her baby Naruto. Smiling to myself I knew I was happy in my second life.

A knock resounded on the door and in came Minato, a huge smile on his face. He went to Kushina fist giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek. Making her smile and return the gesture. He turned to me with a smile. "Jett are you ready for your mission tomorrow?" My own smile that I had fell.

I watched as Minato tried not to laugh. Knowing full well that I wasn't a fan of leaving tomorrow. I wanted to be there for the birth of my godson. With this mission I wasn't going to be. Top it off Taki Uchiha would be on this mission too. He was arrogant and annoying on the best of days. He got on my nerves fairly easily.

Grant it I knew I was one of the only ones that could do the mission. A poison had spread in small village in the out skirts of the land of fire. No one knows what it is. Or even how the people where being poisoned. Being taught by Lady Tsunade herself. I was the best at curing, and figuring out what they are. I had no choice but to go.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Still don't care for the fact that Taki is going." Kushina laughed as she set the food on the table. Her smile huge as she sat down. " I wish the two of you would admit you like each other ya know." I all about choked on the air. "I do not like that cocky man Kushina." I could feel my cheeks heat up. She just laughed harder causing Minato to chuckle. I sent them both a glare.

Kushina's laugh turned to a small smile. It had a hint of sadness to it. " Jett it's okay to settle down. I don't think your ever going back ya know." I sit back in my chair. Facing both my dearest friend and her husband. Both the nearest thing to a family I had. Her laying out the only thing I fear. Being pulled back to my world. Leaving behind all this. To only go back to nothing.

No family or friends. Landing in a lonely abyss. That I would have to figure out. The thought of leaving behind Kushina, Mikoto and their families behind. It made my gut twist in agony. No making my own family was out of the question. I was good with just watching Kushina and Mikoto build their own. I was okay being the aunt.

It was what I had to live with. As for Taki having feelings for me. If it was a thought in his mind. I was just going to have to squash it. I plastered on a smirk. " Nope I'm good Kushina. Besides you and Mikoto promised me alot of nieces and nephews. Mikoto already has given me two Nephews. You and Minato need to catch up." Laughter bubbled out of me as Kushina threw a hand towel at me. Minato looked over at his wife a love sick look in his eyes. "Having a daughter doesn't sound to bad." Kushina's face went red as her hair. She lightly smacked his arm.

You could see the love between them. It was heart warming to know that they had built that love. I stood from my spot. not wanting to intrude on them both any longer. Causing them both to look at me. I walked to Kushina first. Wrapping her in a tight hug. " I'll see you when I come back. Until then just know you have always been like a sister to me." Kushina pulled away tears shining in her eyes. " Don't talk like your not coming back. I know what you mean though and it's the same for me." She pulled me back into hug and gave me one final squeeze befor letting me go. Minato walked me to the door where I stopped. "Minato not that I should even ask but protect her for me?" Minato gave me a knowing smile. "Of course I always will." I nodded my head as I walked away.

Leaving behind a part of my family. It was dark out with only a few people walking about. Most were drunk and noisy. I worked my way through the small crowd. Coming to my small apartment. I looked up in confusion as I spot a certain silver haired boy. Slowly I walked up the stairs.

Thinking the boy was waiting on a snack or something. I had taken it upon myself to make sure he was eating and taking care of himself. Since he, Rin, and Obito became a team under Minato. It got on his nerves at first. Then gradually he accepted it. After Obito died and then later Rin. I seen the anguish and guilt the boy held. It was hard watching him sometimes. It was Minato that brought up the Anbu. I wasn't thrilled about him being part of it. Even going as far as voicing so to Minato. He however disagreed and thought it would be good for him.

In the end I lost that battle and he became an anbu. Although Minato put him on Kushina guard duty. Giving him something to do. While also giving Minato the piece of mind that he fully trusted Kakashi. I smiled at the boy ruffling his hair a bit. Causing him to smack my hand away. Although it wasn't hard and was kind of half assed. "Your leaving on your mission tomorrow?" I looked down at the boy. He was tense and seemed to be tired. No scratch tired he was exhausted.

I knew he wasn't getting enough sleep. Most likely from his nightmares. That I knew he was having. My heart ached for him. I wished I could take away everything he has seen. He has suffered enough. " Yes I leave early in the morning. Don't tell me your going to miss me kiddo." What I expected was a glare and maybe even a smart remark. I wouldn't even be surprised if I was greeted by silence by the boy.

What he did though was throw me for a loop. His arms wrapped around me and hugged me. Quickly getting over my surprise I pulled him in tighter. "Kakashi I'll be back. I can't promise that I'll be okay. But I will be back." I began running my hands through his hair. Trying to give the boy some type of comfort. Even though as the night wore on a pit grew in my stomach. This dread I was feeling I knew was going to stay. "Hey your on the protection detail for Kushina?" The boy shook his head no. " No Minato sensie took me off the assignment." I pulled the boy away from me and smiled down at him. " so why don't you go visit Obito and Rin." He nodded his head in agreement. " I was planning to anyway." Came his cold reply.

I watched as the boy jumped onto the railing. Readying himself to jump to the roof. "Kakashi sweetie try to get some sleep for me." The boy didn't say anything or even acknowledged what I said. He was off in a flash leaving me alone. Walking into my apartment the silence was deafening. The sound of me shutting my door breaking it, for just a second. My thoughts torn by Kakashi and Kushina. Maybe she was right I did need to settle down. Start a family of my own. I just didn't think it was something I should do.

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