Chapter Two

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I couldn't tell you how many times I have already sighed. Or even tell you how many times I have rolled my eyes. I could tell you I was dizzy from it.  I can also tell you that Taki Uchia, is  the bane of  my existence. Whatever made Kushina think I would even like this. Was quite literally beyond me. "We should rest for the night." Shibi's voice echoed out from beside me. Startling me as we jumped through the trees. Which in turn caused me to loose footing.

I could hear Taki outright laugh. While Shibi watched me for a moment to see if I was okay. I knew my face was red from embarrassment. Not wanting Taki to see I whispered a I'm okay. Befor jumping down through the trees. When my feet touched the soft ground. I was faced with a grinning Taki. Sighing out loud I walked around him. "Your beautiful eyes will get stuck if you keep rolling them." I stopped and tensed up. They only thing I heard was beautiful eyes. Once again I felt my cheeks heat.

There was no way he actually thought that. Again though what Kushina said filtered into my thoughts. I shook my head trying to stop myself from going down that road. I was reading touch into it. It wasn't unknown that the uchia clan had some good looking men. The clan was practically full of them. They knew it too. It wasn't uncommon to find them flirting with the women of village.
Taki was one of those men.

His black hair was to his shoulders, and messy. Almost falling in his eyes constantly. It was a natural mess though. Not something he did on purpose. His eyes were warm and nice. Even his voice was something to hear. Quickly looking away from him. I could feel my face flush.  Definitely not liking how my thoughts were drifting. I faced the man of my annoyance.

"I wouldn't let Akari hear you spouting off like that." I cringed at the edge of my voice. Knowing full well that the man heard it. Shibi saved me then whether on purpose or not. "Jett why don't you go gather firewood?" I smiled at him with a hidden thanks. "Sure I'll be back quickly." I hurried off thankful for the distraction. There was no way Kushina was right. Or was she and I was just in denial. Again I found myself sweeping that thought away. There was no way I liked Taki.

Even if I did I still needed to hold true to my promise. No starting my own family. It would honestly completely break me, if I were to go back. Bad enough I would leave behind Kushina, Mikoto and their husbands. My honorary soon to be three Nephews. They had each other and could make it through the heartbreak.

No it was completely out of the question. Silently cursing Kushina for even putting the thought in my head. I picked up another stick. Adding it to the good sized stack. Deciding I had enough I made my way back to camp. Shibi noticing me first nodded to the fire pit. I dropped the sticks into the pit and sat down. Fully prepared to start a small fire.

Instead I found myself scrambling back. Taki had started the fire with a jutsu. I scowled up at him resisting the urge to actually growl at the man. " You know you are an annoyance." I all but hissed at him. Taki tilted his head and smiled. "You know for someone who thinks I'm annoying, and has said so often. You sure sounded jealous about Akari" I scoffed at the man befor standing up. Brushing off the dirt that was on me. "Oh is that so. Tough luck Taki I don't care who you are around or who you decide to date." I shot back befor facing poor Shibi. Who to his credit stood to the side. Letting us have our spat. Even though I could see his amusement with it.

"Shibi I'll take first watch." I shot him a small smile as I jumped back into the trees. Not even considering I haven't eaten yet. Although I didn't think I could. The dread that I had been feeling since last night, was in full force. So far between the journey and Taki. I had been able to ignore it. Now though with being alone. With nothing but the sounds of the forest, and the whispering between Taki and Shibi. It wasn't hard for me to start worrying again. Soon the day turned to night. Bringing the sounds of crickets and other creatures of the night.

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