Operation Seriousness - Chapter 23

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"It could be Marid," Mother proposed. We were in an advisory meeting. Everyone in the palace today was at work. Either you were cleaning or planning vigorously. I was lucky enough to be on planning.

"I don't know," Lady Brice spoke. She was my third grandma. Well, that's what I called her anyway. "He's never been one for physical attacks."

"It could be the Northern Rebels," I added. The other advisors' heads whipped around. I didn't usually talk much in these kinds of meeting. I even shocked myself a little. "Without Marid, I mean. After you married Dad, a bulk of the rebels abandoned him for failing his mission. And most quit because they liked the idea of a representative monarchy."

"What could they want? What were they trying to achieve with this attack?" Mom asked. One of our advisors, Wimble, chimed in.

"Well, it could be because of Your Highness's Selection. Most people are not approving of her choices. Especially with fan favorite, Tyler."

Tyler was a fan favorite?

"They could not be that upset to destroy our home because of one simple choice!" Mom spat back. She could get a little too defensive over her kids sometimes.

"Yes, Your Majesty, that is true," Wimble began, treading lightly. "But that's not all. She lacks your seriousness." My mother nearly exploded so he amended his statement. "In the public eye."

I pursed my lips. He was right. Where my mother displayed her intelligence more on camera, I displayed my clumsiness and giddiness. Mom always told me that wouldn't be a problem.

"Sir Wimble, I do not understand. What they thought I lacked and criticized me for, they want to see less of in my daughter?" Queen Eadlyn had taken over.

"Well," he responded, as if balancing the words on a seesaw. "Yes."

"Ridiculous," she whispered hotly under her breath. "Meeting adjourned." The other advisors left, leaving me, Mom, and Lady Brice.

"You would think after all the years we would have gotten better advisors," Mom said. Lady Brice smiled knowingly, agreeing with her eyebrows.

"They're a tasking bunch," she replied. "But based on public reviews, sweetheart, he has a point. They want to see you taking this more seriously."

I sighed. "I just don't know how. I am serious about this."

"We know," Lady Brice agreed. "But they want to see that not just from a romantic standpoint but a political one."

I peeked up at Mom who was deep in thought. "How is she always right?"

Mom shrugged with a smile. "Old age does bring about knowledge." My third grandman hit her playfully on the arm. "I wouldn't survive without her."

"Well, I'm going to begin Operation Seriousness. Love you guys!" I pulled them into a group hug that Mom fought to get out of then I was on my way.

I had a rough plan forming in my mind.

**What do you think her plan will be?**

**What suitor are you pulling for?**

**Thank you so much for reading. Thank you so much!!**

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