A Hidden Man - Chapter 20

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We were in the first floor of the library. We were the only ones there, sitting in the comfortable velvet seats.

"What's the matter, Kerttu? Is there something on your mind?" Tyrion asked.

Everything about Tyrion was so genuine. Even behind his many covers, he still spoke his mind. I liked to think we were similar in that way. Unless, I was in front of a camera.

"Yes," I replied earnestly, "But I don't think I should tell you."

He cocked his head to the side, calculating. "Does it have to do with one of the Selected?" I nodded. He licked his lips which pervertedly reminded me of our kiss. His lips were like chocolate. Sweet and comforting. I drew myself back into attention. "-anything."

"Could you repeat that? Sorry. Your lips are kind of distracting." He huffed out a laugh, shaking his head.

"I don't know what you see in me Kerttu. But I'm incredibly glad that you see it." His eyes met mine in an intense gaze which held for much too long and meant much too much. "But what I was saying was, I don't get jealous easily. I believe the people I know should all be able to express our thoughts, no matter how twisted or depressing. You can tell me anything."

"Thank you," I expressed. I rested my hand on his forearm, the muscles beneath the sweater tensing underneath my touch. "Thank you." I placed my hand back in my lap. "I had a date planned with Shaan today. He said he wasn't feeling it and left me alone in the yard." Tyrion muttered something under his breath. "What?"

"He's an idiot," he voiced finally, upset. "He's lucky enough that you want to spend time with him. He shouldn't throw it away."

"My time's not valuable. I just-"

"Your time is valuable. Thank you for giving some of yours to me."

I couldn't help myself. I kissed him. I felt him groan against my lips which made me want him even more. He moved his body closer to me so that he could grip my hips and pull me onto his lap. No man had ever done that to me before. And I don't think it was that, I think it was because it was Tyrion's. Every move of his was careful, precise, and delicate. Like I was this possession he deeply wanted to take care of.

"Is that position better for you?" he muttered in between kisses, his breath warm and filled with the scent of vanilla. I nodded, my forehead grazing his. It was a hot kiss, much different than our first. Our first was confirmation and the second taking on the task. We liked each other. Now what?

I moved my knees off of his legs and placed them behind the seat to each side. We were much more comfortable now as well as getting to know each other. Behind every set of his well-placed words, an insecurity hidden of the man he had to be. Every hidden smile, a thousand frowns. He was so selfless, he didn't mind. But I did.

Our hands desperately grabbed onto each other's garments, neither doing their job properly. I pulled back from the kiss, panting.

"You deserve it," I told him, kissing the tip of his nose. "You deserve everything you give to others. You deserve that same respect." His eyelids were shut and I could see the formation of liquid on his long lashes.

I sat up out of the chair, his eyes still closed. I pressed my lips to his temple, his cheekbones, his eyebrows, every piece of his exposed body, mumbling those words to him over and over again. He was forcing himself not to move. I moved to his hands, kissing the tips of his fingers, the center of his palm.

"You deserve it."

He slowly opened his eyes, them wet with moisture. "Thank you, Princess." We kissed again, this much less aggressive and instead, soft.

We talked about his book for awhile, the town hall meeting, what boys he was friends with. But unfortunately, I had work to do. Otherwise, I would talk to him for hours if he let me.

He picked out a book for me and I clenched it in my hands as we walked to the door.

"I just want you to know," I began carefully, "Everything that happened here today had nothing to do with him and everything to do with you. Tyrion Paul," I said his name with smile, flares of touch between us.

"Thank you for telling me that," he replied, smoothing out a piece of my hair. "I would have been restless at night debating that." He kissed me again and I could feel my heart leaping in my chest.

What was happening to me?

**Ship name for Tyrion and Kerttu? Also, we'll forget out what's wrong with Shaan in the next couple of chapters**

**Thank you for reading. You are amazing and you are the best!**

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