Sherttu - Chapter 12

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**Dedication to @ShatteredButGorgeous for the ship name and for being this book's biggest supporter.**

Shaan was sitting outside my door, casually getting up with his usual swagger when he saw me. "There she is." He kissed me briefly then we went into the room.

"Hi!" Lupita greeted, smiling. Lupita was my personal assistant. She got my dresses sewn, my tea made, and even put bubbles in my baths. She was the best.

"Hey, Lupita." We hugged. "How's your day going?"

She flourished her duster. "After I'm done with this, amazing. But I'll just finish it up tomorrow."

"Thank you!" I shouted after her as she gathered her things and left. Lupita was a ghost when she wanted to be. One second she was there, another she had evaporated from the family photo.

We settled onto my bed, me criss crossed and him sitting.

"Thank you for outing me on national television," he started. "A bad boy. Come on."

I giggled. "It was the first thing that came to mind. Sorry."

"Don't apologize. I like being viewed as," he raised his eyebrow and put on a heroic expression, akin to Clark Gable in Gone With The Wind "Dangerous."

I shoved him playfully. "You are ridiculous."

The moonlight poured in from the terrace. Lupita had opened the balcony doors, the curtains lightly billowing. I laid my head on his shoulder and he pressed his head against mine. "This is nice." We cuddled in the comfortable silence for awhile.

"So tell me more about your sister."

"Sure," he stated. "She's ten years older than me."

"What's that like?"

"Uh," he mumbled, contemplating. "Annoying. She uses age for everything. Even eating."

"Oh no. Well, you can eat as much as you want in my home. No age superiority."

"You never tried that on your siblings?"

"Oh all the time," I confessed emphatically. "Why do you think I get the best tiaras?"

Shaan laughed, massaging my hair. "We live in very different worlds. I'm talking about leftovers and you're talking about diamonds," he trailed off, absentmindedly rubbing my thigh.

He didn't know he was voicing one of my biggest fears. I was lucky to be born into an extremely wealthy family. What if they blamed me for having it easy, which I did. I didn't blame them. Some of the boys told me their ancestors were former Sevens. Money wasn't important but our perspectives were going to be very different.

"Does that bother you?" I asked, looking deep into his gorgeous eyes.

He slowly grinned. "Of course not. If anything, it's a positive," he joked. He leaned in, his breath warming my face. "I want a sugar mama."

I rolled my eyes. "Well- I actually can't think of anything clever with you this close to me."

His fingers caressed my cheek, leaning in even more. "I like that." He kissed my cheek tantalizingly. Shaan's kisses were like money. Once you got some, you never had enough. They were desparate, hungry, yet sweet. Underneath it all were two people simply trying to learn more about each other. And they were liking everything along the way.

His lips finally met mine and I realized what me and Shaan had in common. We both needed constant shows of affection to feel alive. To feel worthwhile. I didn't know what caused that, maybe it was in our DNA, I didn't know what. But we filled that gap for each other and even though it was only brief, it was remembered throughout our days.

I deepened the kiss, teasing him with my tongue. We battled for control, the kissing turning into more of a competition than an act of affection. I pulled away.

"You don't know how not to compete, do you?" I asked, both of our breaths racing.

"Neither do you. I'm glad I wasn't on that fencing date. You probably would have tried to kill me!" Shaan said, laughing. "I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight, Kerttu."

He kissed me again. And I felt something odd and pleasant flowering in my chest. And I wanted to grow it.

**You liking Sherttu? I'm trying to get better at doing kissing scenes and I think this is the best one**

**Have an amazing day!!!!!**

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