The Royally Cute Family - Chapter 4

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"Sister!" I exclaimed, running into Amberly's room. While my room was filled with exotic objects and luxurious rugs, hers consisted of a modern white and black theme except for her large colorful blankets. They were soft. It was as if you were laying on piles of cotton. Which you are but it is still amazing.

She was standing near her desk, skimming a book. She looked up at me, her long brown hair slightly whipping in the process. "Yeah?"

Two human shaped lumps under her large orange blanket shifted on her mattress. I tiptoed over to the bed and grabbed them.

"Hey!" Calix babbled, attempting to wrestle out of my arms.

"I told you she would find us!" Johan yelled.

I released my cute little brothers. Johan was ten and tried his best to imitate Dad. Calix was six and was much more of a free spirit. I liked to think he got that from me. I poked Calix playfully on the belly and ruffled Johan's hair.

"How long have you guys been hiding?" I asked, wrapping my brothers in my arms. They were my two little bundles of joy.

"When we saw you leave that boy at the door," Calix blurted, much to the chagrin of Johan.

I raised my eyebrows. Hopefully, they hadn't seen me and Shaan in the hallway. "So you guys are stalking me?"

"It was Amberly's idea, actually," Johan told. Amberly put her book down and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I honestly thought they would get caught. I thought it'd be funny," she replied with a shrug. "So how was your date?"

"Amazing!" I gushed. Calix began to wrestle me and I obliged. You can't really say no to him. Johan analyzed my statement.

"Like amazing like he's the one or amazing he's your first date?" Johan asked. I shared a look with Amberly who laughed.

"You are much too smart for your own good." Johan beamed under the praise and I ruffled his hair again. "I don't know. Maybe a little bit of both." Calix stopped punching me.

"How long are they going to stay? I miss having the house to myself," Calix complained.

"Not too long. But at the end, you'll get a new brother," I suggested. He grinned, back to his light hearted state.

"Well then, bring on the men!" Calix shouted, pumping his fists. We all cackled at that. We hung out for another hour before the parents came by.

"We thought we would find you here," Mom said, entering the room with Dad on her arm. She looked as beautiful as always and Dad as handsome.

"It's dinner time," Dad announced, a light smile on his face. He loved seeing us together.

Johan fixed his hair and Amberley her makeup. They were still getting adjusted to the suitors and wanted to look presentable at all times. I tried to tell them to relax but they wouldn't listen.

I walked to the dining room with Mom, arms linked.

"How was your first date?"

"It was good. Well, not as good as yours was!" I still remembered the time Mom had told me about her publicized makeout with Uncle Kile. It was pretty hilarious.

"Let's not talk about that," she avoided, causing me to chuckle. "How was Shaan?"

"I mean you've seen him. The guy is freaking beautiful."

"That's always a plus. What about personality?"

"He's a bit of a rebel but in a cool, 1920s orphan kind of way."

She giggled. "I have no idea what that means but I like your enthusiasm." Mom was always supportive. "Kerttu, though we are very different, I think everyone changes during their Selection. You meet people your own age who you never would have dreamed of meeting. Take advantage of that and engage yourself as much as you can."

"Thanks, Mom."

"Of course. I'll keep giving you advice as long as you never bring up that first date again."

"I'll try."

We ate the delicious food, cooked by Laila. I went over to the boys table and asked them how their day was going.

"Fantastic. You look beautiful as always," Tyrion flattered. I some reason blushed at his attention. I never blushed, I thought, shaking my head.

"Well, you all look great." I moved down the table and stole a glance at Tyrion. He looked very smug as he cleanly ate his Parmesan chicken. I don't know why but I wanted to wipe that look off his face.

I went back to his side of the table. "Hey, Tyrion. Would you be interested in eating dessert with me later?"

He did a double take, blinking. I giggled. I had won.

"Alright, Tyrion!" Jakob interjected, hitting him playfully in the ribs. His bright energy took over the table and soon they were all cheering Tyrion on which made Tyrion very uncomfortable. I gave Jakob a high five.

"You are a fantastic high fiver. My palm kind of hurts."

Jakob chuckled. "I've been training for years."

I returned to the royal table, nervous and excited for my little date with Tyrion.

**How do you think the date with Tyrion will go? Do you like Tyrion?**

**What do you think of the new royal family? Thoughts on Kerttu's dating?**

**Thank you for reading! You're the best! Have an amazing day and always question, never settle**

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