Grandma & Grandpa - Chapter 9

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I found out that Amberly had came to my room earlier to tell me that Grandpa and Grandma were coming. The whole family was waiting for them at the front door.

"Do you think they'll bring me money?" Calix asked, pulling on the midlength sleeves of my dress. I got on a knee to be eye level with him.

"Come on, its Grandpa Maxon," I explained, fixing his shoulder cuffs. "He always brings money."

"Can you pick me up?"

"Of course, young prince." I put Calix on my hip and started talking with Amberly.

"So how was having four men fight for your attention?" Amberly questioned. She was wearing a stunning lavender dress with a long trail. Amberly was frequently the cover of magazines, taking after Mom. I would much rather be wearing jeans all day everyday.

"Not as stressful as you make it sound."

"You got a frontrunner yet?"


She studied my expression, smiling. "I'm loving this version of you, sis. You're ready to show your love to the world and I love it." I took in Amberly's words and gave her a side hug. Though she was younger than me, it was like we were twins. She understood me in ways that most people didn't.

"Kerttu," Mom called from across the palace entrance. "Put Calix down. He's too old to be carried."

Dad mouthed no behind her then stopped innocently when she turned around.

"Don't worry. I'll carry you around until you are twenty," I whispered jokingly, tickling his stomach.

Their limousine pulled up and out came the glorious revivers of Illea, my grandparents. Grandma America had a cane yet still moved with the speed of a young woman and Grandpa Maxon had greys raking through his hair. But still, there was a youthfulness to them purely because of their love for each other. As Grandpa helped her out of the vehicle, I couldn't help but smile. Soon, I might be lucky enough to have what they had.

I dashed down the steps, much to Mom's chagrin, and pulled Grandma into a hug.

"Hi Grandma!" I shouted. Calix got out of my arms and into Grandpa's.

"Hi, Kerttu. I heard you're having your own devil of a Selection. Anything crazy happening?" America asked.

"Not yet but we'll keep our fingers crossed." She laughed her musical laugh then went on to greet the rest of my family.

"So dear," Maxon said, placing Calix on his shoulders. "How's your day?"

"Pretty great, Grandpa. How are you and Grandma?"

He smiled at his wife, a twinkle in his chocolate eyes. "I'm happy just to be with her everyday. How are the Selected boys? Are they treating you right? I can get them canned if they don't."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "I don't think that will be necessary."

We hung out before the Report, simply enjoying each other's company. They had moved into the house Grandpa had bought her for the Selection. They were enjoying their days, filled with visiting family and weekends at the beach. It sounded peaceful.

"Good luck, dear," Grandpa wished.

"Enough with the dear," Grandma cajoled playfully.

We got ready for the Report. Amberley and I had the same makeup artists so we got beautified together. We all sat in the row for the royals. Well, we sat. Calix and Johan ran up and down the aisles instead.

"Are you excited for their interviews?" Amberly whispered, adjusting her dress.

"I guess so. I can't wait to see Jakob on camera."

She raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"You'll see."

**What do you think Kerttu's surprise for Jakob will be?**

**Do you like elderly America and Maxon lol?**

**Thank you for reading!!**

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