Wedding/Honeymoon with Tsukishima Kei

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Anonymous asked: May I please have some Tsukki SFW and NSFW on S/Os wedding and honeymoon? Thank you and I hope you do well with your studies and job <3

Ahhhh~ Salt Husband Tsukki becoming a reality??? T~T Oh how a girl can dream~!! Thanks for requesting!

Tsukishima Kei:

SFW Wedding & Honeymoon:

Doesn't understand why the wedding has to be such a big deal and why EVERYONE in the entire world had to attend your wedding.

He was hoping you wouldn't be the type to push him to do a Bachelor party (Except Tanaka and Nishinoya DEFINITELY are the type to push him to do it) and is very vocal about how unnecessary that tradition is.

Hates the rule to not see each other for the whole day before the wedding, but teases you about how much you were going to miss him up until that point

When he looks over during the night to see you aren't next to him, he turns into an actual four year old and pouts the rest of the night while he sleeps (He crosses his arms and everything too lmao)

Yamaguchi is obviously his best man and teasingly asks Tsukki if he's getting cold feet, and Tsukishima just scoffs and brushes the thought away.

"Like I would ever second guess such a decision. Shut up, Yamaguchi." "Sorry, Tsukki!" (Yamaguchi ain't gomen about shit tbh)

When Tsukki is lead to his spot, he's kind of hyperaware of everything around him; like everything is finally coming into place and he can't believe that he's actually about to be joined in marriage with the love of his life.

Queue his breathlessness when he sees you walk down the aisle, all prim and proper, all rosy cheeks and bright eyes. He thought you looked beautiful even in some panties and his tshirt, but you outdid yourself this time! (He wants to tease you for trying so hard to impress him but he holds his tongue)

He's not a expressive man, so you both had opted to just go with the regular vows. (He actually had tried to come up with his own vows like a week before but he thought it was all crap)

Even when the pastor gives the whole 'you may now kiss the bride' Tsukki still teases you. He doesn't immediately kiss you (Doesn't want to ruin your makeup) and instead presses his lips just at the corner of your mouth on each side with his playful smirk

You're going to have to be the one to grab him by the face and make him kiss you. (He'll make up for that show of dominance in the bedroom ;D)

Tsukishima is kind of a homebody (he really hates it tbh) so your honeymoon is going to range from your newly bought house (SURPRISE!) Or a really REALLY nice 5 star hotel in Tokyo or Kyoto.

Sighs ultra dramatically when you insist on him picking you up to cross the threshold. Teases you on how cheesy you are.

"Do you want me to wait in the other room while you undress for tonight, as well, ____? Or perhaps you'd prefer if I just undress you with my teeth like we saw in that one movie?" (Such a turd tbh)

Your honeymoon lasts for about 3 weeks, and if you ask nicely Tsukki is almost too happy to extend the honeymoon for as long as you like. (More sexy time tbh ;D)

Throughout the honeymoon, the two of you get to actually bond further and come to realize that you're married. It is filled with cuddles and teasing and watching movies and just spending time with the man you love and fall even deeper in love with him and his salty ass attitude.

After your wedding and honeymoon, his attitude and saltiness actually relaxes a bit and he takes it easier on you, and he just unleashes on anyone who ever points it out (besides you because you're his soft spot). RIP that person tbh

NSFW Wedding & Honeymoon:

Almost every single day up until the night before the day of the wedding, the two of are you pre-christening every single sturdy surface in BOTH of your homes

You were honestly SUPER worried about his bachelor party (Because Tanaka and Nishinoya have NO boundaries) but you're semi relieved and semi turned on when you get dirty pictures of your fiancé when he's able to get away from them

Dirty pictures like: His shirt is pulled up so you can see his taut muscles (Admin Satori fans herself) ; His hand down his pants and obviously cupping himself; His pants pull down so you can see the outline of his cock through his underwear (Admin Satori gets a nosebleed). Then the pictures stop for a while before they resume later at night when he makes it back to his hotel room.

If you're lucky, he'll take a video of his hand stroking his cock, groaning out your name (Admin Satori is *dead*), and grunting out how troublesome it was for him to do this himself. (Because it wouldn't be Tsukki if he said he likes when you touch him)

You are beyond surprised when you get a knock the night before the day of your wedding (It's fucking 3 am who the fuck is up and annoying you now????) To see Tsukki with that heated look in his eye

"This rule is really annoying. It's not like this time apart is going to stop you from thinking about me all night, ____. I might as well fill your wishes now before you trouble me with them later."

You fucked on EVERY single surface in your hotel room the night before your wedding and finished with just enough time for him to slip back into the night to get back to his own hotel room without notifying any of your wedding watchdogs that you'd broken that tradition rule. (He Really REALLY missed you and made it clear the whole time he was with you with soft touches and sweet kisses)

The day of your wedding came and Tsukki honestly thought of just saying 'fuck it' and sneaking into your dressing room to remind you just what exactly you were being gifted with the rest of your life.

The moment he saw you in your wedding dress, he was frustrated to know he wanted to fuck you while you were wearing your wedding dress (Frustrated because he thinks the wedding dress is a pure piece of clothing and now he wants to defile you in it)

Does not wait one second to tease you throughout the reception. Gentle caresses, heated stares, even opening his mouth in a lewd motion has you hot and bothered and dying to get to your hotel room

Obviously your honeymoon is FILLED with endless banging and moaning and groaning. Blow jobs, going down, riding, dominating, blindfolding, semi-public, in the pool, in the hot tub, in the shower. So much. Just. Everywhere. You're both super insatiable for each other. (It's the honeymoon phase, it'll wane eventually. You'll get feeling in your legs someday lmao)

Usually he's the one to initiate, but is genuinely excited whenever you take the reins, he's just REALLY good at hiding how excited he is (He loves when you tease him because it assures him that you want him as much as he wants you) 

A/N: Just as a disclaimer! That "Yamaguchi ain't gomen about shit" is not something I made up! I saw it on another wonderful headcanon blog about how Yamaguchi doesn't every really mean it when he says sorry! I can't remember the name of the blog since it's been a while since I've seen it circulated on my dashboard! But I didn't make it up! But I WHOLEHEARTEDLY use that phrase "Ain't gomen about shit" in my life now! Lmao It's so perfect!

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