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Sean's POV

I woke up today with a excited but nervous mood today was the day. The day we get to do the play. The teacher emailed all of us saying to meet in the theatre room so it would be easier.

We've already choreographed the dance, sound affects, rehearsed everything a couple times... well everything except for the kiss..

I get ready and go to school. As I walk in everyone is staring at me. I don't even know if these are good or bad looks. There just all.. staring. Wtf...

I walk over to my locker and put my bag in. I get my books and as soon as I close my locker, she's there. Right next to me.

"Hey.." I say and she frowns. I look around and everyone is staring at us. "Why is everyone staring at us?" I ask and she shows me her phone. It was a picture of us, at the cafe. She was crying in my arms.
The caption on it said. "This girl finally got a boy. Well let's see how long it takes for this boy to find out she is a complete weirdo."

Once I read that I looked up at kaycee and she widened he eyes. She shoved my head down and took my hand and ran outside. We quickly turned and ran under the bleachers and I gave her a confused look.

She looked at me and looked behind me. She got her phone out and gave it to me. I looked in it and saw my reflection. My eyes were going red and my Veins were becoming visible. Fuck.

"Calm down Sean." She says and I shake my head. "Why are you so angry?" She asks and I look at her. "Look what the person says!" I shout and she looks down. "I'm gonna kill them. I'm gonna dig my hand inside their chest. I'm gonna grab their heart and I'm gonna twist it around and around before I ri-."

But then I got cut off by her soft lips on mine. I'm in shock but don't take a minute of hesitation before I kiss back. I feel her wrap her arms around my neck as I wrap mine around her waist bringing me closer.

We both pull back slowly. Still inches away and we stare into each other's eyes. My heart, was beating so fast and it literally wanted to jump out of my chest. Like, wow.

We were still inches apart and I smashed my lips onto hers so I could feel them again. This one was more desperate and faster then the other one. As we both pull back, a smile appears on both of our faces. I stare at her and smirk causing her to giggle.

"What was that for?" I ask smirking and she puts a fake pout on. "Well, if you didn't like it then I'm al-." But I cut her off by kissing her again and I feel her smile as I do it. I pull away and I see her blush. "Do you think I would do that if I didn't like it?" I say and she smiles.

"Eh, I did it to shut you up." She says simply and I raise a brow. "That's all. Nothing else" I say smirking and she grins proudly. "Nothing else" she says and I chuckle. "Then why did you kiss back the two other times I kissed you?" I asked and her proud grin instantly dropped to a small and shy smile.

"Well that's for me to know, and you to find out" she says letting go of me and walking away. "What about m-." But she cuts me off already knowing what I was gonna say.

"Don't worry. That kiss sure did the thing for making them go away!" She shouts and laughs before she's out of sight.

The things she's doing to my heart.

I walk back into school and see the boys at my locker and say hey and we just stay silent. I look around and chuckle at something. "Why aren't me seeing who's are next blood bag anymore?" I ask and they chuckle.

"Probably because your in love with kaycee" Ken says chuckling. "Oh but you can still feed.. oh wait, you got the heart eyes for bailey.. sorry" I say and josh bursts out laughing. Ken glares at Josh and he still laughs. "Boi, if Tahani was here" Ken says and he immediately stops and frowns.

"You know what's weird?" Josh randomly says and we look at him. "You?" I ask and Ken chuckles while josh rolls his eyes. "I'm serious. Like Tahani, I was walking home with her cause she was bored and I was bored.." he says looking down and we smirk.

"Anyways, I was super super super, hungry. Like really. And when I looked at her neck, I was still the same. I didn't get that energy you get when your gonna feed. Like she didn't even have human blood... it was different" he says and we look at him.

"Bro, it's probably because you like her." Ken says and I nod my head. "But another weird thing is, she says she lives alone because her parents had to move. And she wanted to stay. But when we got at her house, I smelt blood. Like a lot. Like, blood inside the house. And when I got into the door, I accidentally stepped in.." he says and Ken looks confused while I widen my eyes.

"Why do you guys looked so shocked?" Ken asks and I slap him on the head. "Ow!" He says and I roll my eyes. "Bro.. He said he stepped in by accident. She didn't even invite him in" I say and he widens his eyes. "What if.." Ken starts and I shake my head. "She can't be right?" Josh asks and I look at them.

"She can't be a vampire"


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