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Kaycees POV.

"Kaycee?" "Kaycee?" "Kaycee?" "Kaycee?"

I open my eyes and find myself in.. I have no idea. It's black. Everywhere. No light, but I can still see clearly. "Hello?" I shout. Nothing happens.

I walk then trip. "Ow!" I shout. I open my eyes and see dirt. I look around and I'm in a different place. "I-i wasn't here before?" I say to myself. I look around and see burnt trees, ash everywhere. Screams coming from every corner.

I squeezed my eyes shut and block my ears. "Help! Please! Please!" I shout and I open my eyes and I'm in a cave. I look around and step back. I turn around and see Sean. With me. Standing there.

Blood dripping from both of our necks as it drips into a silver bowl. Weird markings all over it. I blink and I'm somewhere else. Meadows, trees, plants. But no birds, bugs, animals, humans.. just Sean. I see him, and another me. Having a picnic.


"Finally." My other self says and I walk closer to them. Then Sean says something.

"A world to ou-."

Then I shoot up and I breathe heavily. I look around and see Sean and Julian next to me. Hm.. why are they wearing different clothes? I look to the other side and see him. I look at him and I get closer to Sean.

He comes closer to me and I move back again. "Hey hey, what's wrong?" Sean asks and I look at the guy. "Oh. Yes that's Gabe. My 2nd oldest friend." Sean says. Gabe come closer to me putting his hand out again but I shake my head.

"No. You." I say sternly to him. "You. Get. Away. From. Me." I say and glare at him. He chuckles and puts his arms up moving back. "Hey hey. What's wrong kayc? Tell me?" Sean says and I look at him. "That's him." I say and he looks confused.

"That's him" I say again and he widens his eyes. "Him? As in, him in your dream?" He asks and I nod. He looks at Gabe and back at me. "Um.. hey Gabe. You and Julian go get some food. Actual food, not a living person to feed on. So kaycee can eat some. I need to talk to kaycee." Sean says and they nod.

"Alone" He says more sternly and they chuckle while walking out of the house. He looks down then look back at me. "Kaycee. Are you ok?" He ask and I nod my head. "Yea.. why wouldn't I be?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Do you know how long you've been asleep?" He asks and I look at him.

"Idk, like 30 seconds or 1 minute?" I ask and he sighs. "Kaycee, when you fell it was 9 am on September 18th." He says and I nod chuckling. "Well obviously. That's today" I say and he shakes his head.

"Today is October 14th. You've been asleep for nearly a month" he says and I widen my eyes. "Wait! My.. my parents. School. Friends?" I say starting to worry. "Don't worry. Nothing that a little compulsion couldn't fix" He says and I take a breath and lay back down.

"Wait. It's a week before my birthday." I say and he looks at me. "That's what your worrying about?" He says and I giggle. "No.. just.. it was weird. I wasn't asleep. It was like I was in constant dreams. Weird ones" I say and scratch the back of my head.

"Wait, we will get back to that later" he says and I look at him. "You know how in your dream, you saw Gabe." He asks and I nod my head. "You said you were a different girl.." he adds and I nod my head. "Can you describe how that girl looked like?" He asks and I nod.

"Well, I think she was a little shorter then me. She had long dark brown hair. She was fit. She looks Canadian? With a tiny bit Mexican.. but I don't think she is?" I said to him more as a question and he widens his eyes.

"Tatiana McQuay.. you have to be kidding Me" he say and looks at me. "Tatiana Mc what?!" I ask and he looks behind me. "No. No." He says looking back down. "Kaycee, your dream... it happened." He said and I look at him confused.

"W-What do you mean?" I ask and he shakes his head. "This was a while back. Gabe, He well.. he lost someone he cared about." He says and I nod. "Well with vampires, you have a switch. A humanity switch. When it's on, you feel. You have feelings" he tells me and I nod.

"When it's off, well you know. Your a Careless vampire. No human emotions at all. They can kill their best friend for all they care. Cause they don't. Care." He tells me and I nod slowly again.

"Well, when Gabe lost the person he cared about.. he didn't want to feel the sadness and the grief. He didn't want to feel the pain" he says and I widen my eyes starting to catch on. "So he turned his humanity switch off" I say falling back into the couch.

"Yes. And when he was staying here, he brought a girl home, and I didn't know about it. All I know is that one morning, I heard screaming and I ran upstairs. I found a girl looking in the mirror with a bite mark on her neck" he says and I widen my eyes.

"She told me the exact same story you did. About what Gabe did to her." He adds and I sigh deeply. "Sean! What's happening. How do I know all this! How did I see it. How? How How?!" I say having no clue about what I'm saying myself.

"We need to go to baileys grams" he says and I nod. I get up and start walking. I feel his hand grab my wrist and I turn around. He grins at me and I sigh remembering. I put my arms out and he grabs my waist picking me up.

I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He holds my lower back and pulls me closer to him. I squeeze him tight and he rubs my back. I lean my head on his shoulder, breathing into his neck. Smiling so stupidly. "Hold on tight ok? Don't let go of me" He says and my stupid smile grows bigger.

"I'll never let go Sean Lew. Not when it comes to you."

Awweeee anyways, this was an.. interesting and boring as hell chapter. Sorry

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