Change of Plans (Tyrion x Reader Imagine)

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Tyrion notice how his compliment only caused a slight blush to spread across her cheeks, it was barely even noticeable, but it was there, making him want to reach up and run the back of his fingers gently across her beautiful pink skin. Composing herself very quickly, she looked at him with intelligent (EC) eyes, and said in a gentle, but confident voice, "No, we have not meet before, however, I have the advantage of knowing there can't be too many men of your stature, wondering around in the fine red and gold Lannister thread, that I see before me." Then he saw her eyes soften, it was as if she was worried that her words may have offended him, holding out her hand she introduced herself, "Lady (YN) of House Glover".

Tyrion felt stupid, if he hadn't been so taken by her, he would have noticed her House's sigil, pinned to her dress. Clearing his throat, he took her hand and placed a gentle kiss to her fingers. "Yes, of course, I should have guessed, your beauty is well known across all of Westeros". Again, there was only a whisper of pink touching her cheeks and he knew in that moment that the Lady standing before him would not be flattered and won over so easily.

Clearly finding his attempts at flattery amusing, Lady (YN) let the most exquisite sounding chuckle slip from her lips, the action causing Tyrion's face redden with heat. This certainly wasn't going as he expected, his usual confidence faltering, that's not to say he wasn't loving every moment of it, because he was, thoughts of his visit to the local brothel, long lost to the intriguing and beautiful woman standing before him. "Tell me Lord Tyrion, where are you escaping to, whilst the King's feast has barely hit full swing?"

Tyrion's face flooded with colour again, 'How is she doing this?' he thought to himself, 'it is supposed to be me, making her face go red'. Clenching his hands together in front of himself, he rocked back and forth on his feet and answered, "Ah...nowhere in particular, just catching some of the fresh, cool night air that the north has to offer". Noticing her eyes fall upon the bottle of dornish wine, which now had spilled its entire contents across the ground, he continued, "Oh and I thought that maybe the bottle over there could help keep me company, but it looks as if I must make new plans".

A small smile crept its way to Lady (YN)'s lips and before too long her whole face had been engulfed in a pure look of exquisite mischief, "I don't need much of an excuse to keep me from the feast either", then hushing him with a single finger to her lips, she gestured for him to follow her. Making her way around the courtyard, she came to a stop just before the external kitchen doorway, where they both could hear the clanking and clunking of pots and pans and the busy chatter of all the kitchen staff. Tyrion watched her as she barely poked her head around the doorway before completely disappearing, leaving him wondering whether to follow or not, but before he even had the chance to decide, she was standing back in front of him with another heartbreaking smile and a bottle of wine in each hand. Tyrion couldn't help but grin, this was his kind of woman, he had never really found Lady's all that appealing, but this Lady, now she was different. There appeared to be no judgement in her eyes, instead he saw in them both humour and intelligence and there was a certain energy to her spirit that he found very appealing. Then of course, there was her beauty, it was beyond compare, all the rumours he had heard were true and he found it hard to believe that she was not already married or at the very least betrothed.

"Well, Lady (YN), you are a resourceful one, aren't you?" taking the bottles from her hands, he gestured for her to lead the way, "and just where are we headed with these beautiful flasks of grape juice?"

"You did say you were after some fresh, cool night air, so please follow me, I know this place like the back of my hand and I know the perfect spot". After a quick walk through the courtyard, Tyrion found themselves coming to a stop under the oak trees near the crypts and he had to admit it was both beautiful and peaceful. Sitting down (YN) spoke, "I love it here, it is my favourite spot in all of Winterfell".

Sitting down in front of her, Tyrion opened both bottles, handing her one, "So, you have spent a lot of time here in Winterfell then", laughing at her, as she pulled a goblet from some hidden pocket of her dress.

Looking at the goblet in her hand, she let the sweetest giggle escape her lips, "You can't expect me to drink straight from the bottle, I am a Lady after all". Then (YN)'s eyes softened, growing a fond look, barely visible as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, the only light now filtering down from the moon above the trees. "Yes, growing up I would spend months on end here and I loved it. The Starks are like a second family to me, this spot here is my favourite, I would take all the books from their library and come right here to read". With his sight now fully adjusted, he could see the happiness flooding her perfect features as she spoke about her childhood memories. "The books here were always so much more interesting than the ones back at Deepwood Motte. I don't know how many times Lord Stark must have found me sleeping under this tree, before picking me up and carrying me in for dinner".

Tyrion found himself sitting there enraptured, by her voice, her words, her face, her memories and for once in his life, he did not feel the need to talk, a very unusual circumstance to find himself in and he loved it. Of course, he spoke and laughed and relished whenever he brought a smile or giggle to her lips. However, he wasn't compelled to fill every silence with charming and witty words, instead during those silent moments he found himself wanting to reach up and place his lips to hers, the mere thought sending his heart racing. Trying to shake such thoughts and images from his head, Tyrion took a big gulp of wine, his mind bringing him to unpleasant realisations. There was a reason he only ever sought love at a brothel, at least at brothels he would not be refused and rejected, no Lady, not even one as sweet and down to earth as Lady (YN) would ever be interested in an unloved, unwanted imp, such as himself. He knew he was smart, he knew he was funny and he knew his family's money was very appealing to many, however that was not enough, he wanted more, he wanted to be truly loved and that, he knew he did not deserve. Lost in his thoughts, Tyrion was brought back with a soft hand to the side of his face and a tender thumb running along his cheek bone, looking up from the bottle in his hands, he gazed into (YN)'s concerned (EC) eyes, "Lord Tyrion, are you okay? You seem a million miles away, I hope I have not offended you in any way".

The feeling of her tender hand on his cheek, the concern he heard in her voice and saw in her eyes, sent a joy and comfort through him that he had never felt before and it was almost too much for him to handle. Clearing his throat, Tyrion somehow found words, "No....not at all Lady (YN), I was simply lost in thought, thinking about what a wonderful evening this has turned out to be, much better than I had first anticipated".

For the first time since their meeting, Tyrion noticed Lady (YN) looking nervous, shy even, taking in the way she took a deep breath, as though she was contemplating something. Tyrion opened his mouth to speak again, however (YN) placed a finger to his lips, in a silent gesture for quiet, making his heart speed up and heat to radiate throughout his body. And as she closed her eyes and leaned down towards him, placing her soft lips to his, he knew that this woman had changed his life forever. All the gold coins in the world, could never buy the genuine feelings he just felt in that single kiss and he wanted more. That need, that desire, that craving would always be there now. And as she pulled her lips from his and gazed caringly into his eyes, he found himself breathless, knowing he would do everything in his power to keep her in his life.

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