Yukimura Seiichi x Sanada Genichirou-Same But Different

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The bad grammar is just to bring out Sanada and Mura being 5 years old. I'm not bad at english. Sorry.

Sanada's POV

Dear Diary,
I just join a new tennis club few weeks ago. I am 5 year old, and last week I meet a boy called Yukimura. He is my bes friend now and I like to pley with him. I meet him a lot at the tennis club and we like to pley match against each other in the court. He is very good tennis player. I like him very much. He is my bestest friend.

I finished writing in my diary and I closed it. Oh no.. i forget to write that he wears a white fluff headband.

Mura's POV

Dear Diary,
i met a boy called sanada a few weeks ago and i am his best friend and he is my best friend. i like him very much. he wears a cap.

I only write short diary entries because I am too lazy to write a full one. (This is so mood lmfao)

3rd person POV

Yukimura and Sanada were doing 10 000 practice swings, as an order from their senpai for talking during practice. Yukimura's face never had its smile faded away, and Sanada's face gave away the fact that he was super angry at his senpai. Suddenly, the fire alarm rang. Nee naw nee naw nee naw. Yukimura looked at Sanada with a panicked expression. He took off towards the exit along with Marui, Jackal, Niou, Yagyuu, and Yanagi. Sanada's head spun. He looked around, but... where is Mura?

He answered his own question and dove back into the flames. He wanted to save Yukimura. He couldn't let him go.

Sanada walked out of the flames, carrying a fainted Yukimura.

Why was there a fire anyway?

Well would you look at that. A DOUBLE update.
<3 hehe

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