Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen


"What do we do?" Ally asks as they sit in Camila's hospital room.

"There isn't much we can do." Dinah said.

Lucy runs a hand through her hair as she stares at Camila's unconscious body.

"Why did she do it?" Normani asked, frowning.

"No clue." Dinah says as she looks at Camila.

"Where's Lauren?" Ally asked.

Lucy snapped her head in Ally's direction and glared at her.

"She's asking her mom to watch Remi and Alice." Normani responds.

Ally nodded.

"She shouldn't come." Lucy muttered. "She's got nothing to do with this."

Dinah frowns and looks at Lucy. "Why are you acting like this?"

Lucy glared at Dinah. "It's none of your business."

"It is when you're always treating Lauren like shit." Dinah responds coldly.

"She fucked Camila twice! Maybe even more than that!" Lucy snapped.

Sighing, Dinah runs a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry, but you can't just hate on her."

"She fucked my girlfriend! My girlfriend! I have a right to hate her!" Lucy growled.

Camila releases a groan from the bed, her hand going to her head.

"I'll get a doctor." Ally jumped to her feet and left the room.

Opening her eyes, Camila releases another groan.

The room went silent. Lucy and Dinah continued to glare at each other.

"Dammit," Camila breathes out, as soon as she realizes that it didn't work. She curled her fingers through her hair and tugged harshly on the brown locks. "Shit!"

"Mila stop," Dinah says softly.

Camila snapped her head up to look at Dinah. "No!"

"What's going on?" Lauren says softly as she walks in.

"I found Camila unconscious on her bed when I went to check on her after I got that text." Dinah said.

Camila reaches to pull out her iv, ignoring Lucy who is trying to stop her.

"I didn't think you were serious. I thought you'd just say anything to get me to stay." Lucy narrowed her eyes at Camila.

The younger girl just stares at Lucy blankly.

"You're an idiot, Camila. I can't forgive you that easily." Lucy said.

Camila reaches for the iv again, trying to pull it out of her arm.

Lucy swatted Camila's hand away roughly. "Just because I won't forgive you doesn't mean I want you to die."

Tensing, Camila rolls onto her side so that Lucy can't grab her hand.

"Fine! If you want to die, I don't care anymore." Lucy turned and left the room, slamming the door on the way out.

Tears fill Camila's eyes and she curls into a ball.

"What was that about?" Lauren asked quietly.

"She knows." Camila whispers brokenly.

"She knows what?" Lauren asked, confused.

Swallowing thickly, the younger girl looks up. "About us."

Lauren paled. "I told you. I wasn't worth it. You lost her because of me."

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