Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


Camila sighs as she walks through yet another house, Lucy and Lauren were supposed to come with but neither girl was answering their phones.

"What do you think?" The woman showing her the house asked.

"It's really nice, I just can't say anything until my roommates show up." Camila responds.

"Oh." The woman nodded. "Okay."

Just as the woman says that, Lauren and Lucy show up with the kids.

"Finally, I didn't think either of you were coming." Camila breathes out.

"I can't drive." Lauren said. "I needed a ride."

"I offered you a ride and you told me to go ahead without you." The younger girl responds with a frown.

"Because I wasn't dressed and Remi was still sleeping." Lauren responds.

Sighing, Camila just shakes her head and turns back to the realtor. "Do you mind walking us through again?"

"Sure." The woman nodded.

After a quick walk through, Camila bites her lip and looks at both girls. "What do you think?"

"It's too big." Lauren said. "We don't need a house this big."

Lucy nods her head in agreement. "There's only going to be five of us living here unless you got more people pregnant."

Camila's eyes widen and she quickly shakes her head. "Not that I know of."

Lauren looked at Lucy and frowned. "That was mean."

Rolling her eyes, Lucy ignores Lauren. "What's next?"

Looking down, Camila shifts uncomfortably before moving away to talk to the realtor.

Lauren sighed and walked away to investigate the house on her own with a sleeping Remi in her arms.

After a few minutes, Camila walks up behind Lauren and pulls her back against her. "We're going to the next place, it's closer to the school." She whispers in the older girl's ear.

Lauren nodded. "Okay."

After a few houses, they finally decide on one that they all like.

"This is it." Camila breathes out after signing all the papers and handing over the money.

Lauren swallowed. "What about the houses we live in?"

"We can sell them, we will have extra money." Camila responds.

Lauren nodded. "Okay."

"Mama!" Remi whines, kicking her feet angrily in Camila's arms.

"What is it, princess?" Camila asked softly.

"Eat!" The two year old yells out, tears in her eyes.

"Hey, Shh." Lauren ran her fingers through Remi's hair. "Don't shout."

The little girl kicks her feet again and buries her face in Camila's neck, releasing a soft cry.

Lauren sighed and looked down at her feet. Remi was usually such a quiet girl. She never cried unless she was sick.

"She's warm." Camila says with a frown as she shifts the little girl in her arms.

Lauren lifted her head, she gently presses her hand to Remi's forehead and nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

Remi tiredly rubs her eyes and reaches for Lauren. "Eat!"

Lauren took Remi from Camila. "Okay, princess. How about some soup?"

Nodding her head, the little girl lays her head on Lauren's shoulder.

"Let's go back to your place and make her food. I have to get the furniture and everything sent here." Camila says softly.

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