Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


Lauren's heart broke in her chest as she called Camila's number yet again and the younger girl didn't pick up. Camila had told her she'd be back soon and it had already been twelve hours. Lauren hadn't slept or eaten, she couldn't.

Curling up on the couch, Lauren wraps her arms around her knees and fought back tears.

The front door opened and Camila slowly walked in with Lucy, she was helping the older girl walk.

Lauren stared blankly at the wall in front of her, fighting the tears back. She didn't want to cry. She was still only wearing Camila's oversized shirt and panties. She'd lost so much weight that Camila's shirt draped over her skin instead of sitting the way it was supposed to.

"I can walk." Lucy mumbles, pulling away from Camila and sitting on the couch.

Camila sighed and pushed her hair out of her face. "Would you like anything? Water? Tea? Something to eat?"

"An egg and cheese sandwich." Lucy responds quietly.

Camila nodded, she went to make Lucy the meal, not noticing Lauren lying on the other couch.

"Come here." Lucy calls out to Lauren softly.

Lauren slowly moved her head to look at Lucy. Her vision was blurry because of the tears and the fact that she didn't have her glasses on. She'd taken them off because they were giving her a headache.

"Come here," Lucy says again, holding her arms out.

Lauren pushed herself up slowly. Her body felt heavy as she did so. Her arms wobbled.

After a few minutes, Camila comes back with the sandwich to find Lucy and Lauren sound asleep in each other's arms.

A small smile crept onto Camila's lips. She never saw this coming. Grabbing a blanket, she gently laid it over Lauren and Lucy to keep them warm.

Shifting, Lucy's eyes flutter open and she looks up at Camila tiredly.

"Go back to sleep." Camila whispered, she kissed Lucy's forehead.

"My dad is going to keep the kids longer." Lucy whispers before curling into Lauren more and falling back asleep.

Remi was going to be staying with Clara for a bit because she had begged to stay with her.

Camila sat down on the other couch and watched Lauren and Lucy sleep.

When Lucy woke up, she swallowed thickly and looked for Camila. "Mila?" She calls out upon not seeing the younger girl.

Camila walked into the room from the kitchen and smiled at Lucy. "Hi." She whispered, seeing Lauren was still asleep.

"I have to pee." Lucy mumbles weakly.

"Okay." Camila moved over to them and helped Lucy untangle herself from Lauren.

Getting up with Camila's help, Lucy makes her way to the bathroom and shuts the door.

Camila sighed. She pushed hair out of her face and looked at Lauren.

The older girl was still sound asleep, her body looking smaller than normal.

Camila covered Lauren with the blanket again.

Slowly, Lucy walked back into the room and forced a smile.

"Are you okay?" Camila asked.

Nodding her head, Lucy looks down and moves to the opposite couch.

"Lucy, talk to me." Camila begged.

"I'm fine." Lucy mumbles.

"I don't believe you." Camila said.

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