Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


Camila remained true to her word, staying away from Lauren. But what really bothered Lauren was that Camila seemed to always be with Lucy now.

"You okay, Laur?" Ally asked softly as she helped the younger girl get her books from her locker.

Biting her lip, Lauren shakes her head as she watches Camila and Lucy down the hall. "She's all over her."

"Get over it Laur." Ally said. "You pushed her away, remember, she's moved on."

Tensing, Lauren turns to look at Ally. "I have to win the bet or Justin tells the school about Remi."

"And if he does, Dinah will kill him." Ally said.

Camila walks by with her arm wrapped around Lucy's waist.

Lauren looked down at her feet. She closed her locker door and leaned against it.

Justin appears beside her. "You're not doing a very good job at getting Camila to fall for you."

"Justin fuck off and leave her alone." Ally snapped. "She's got a hard enough life without you butting in."

Rolling his eyes, Justin glares at Ally. "Why don't you get a life, you bitch."

"Leave her alone and I will." Ally responded.
Lauren leaned against her locker and closed her eyes, trying to push out their voices.

Justin glares at Ally before looking back at Lauren. "Finish the bet or your secret is out." He snaps out before walking off.

Lauren bit her lower lip, taking a deep breath.

"Hey." Normani says, walking over to them. "Did you hear that Cabello and Vives have a five month old together?"

Lauren lifted her head and looked at Normani. "What?!"

Nodding her head, Normani pulls up her Instagram and shows them the picture on Lucy's page.

Lauren looked down at her feet and took her backpack from Ally before making her way to the restroom and locking herself in one of the cubicles. She was really hurt by this.

"That wasn't very nice." Ally says with a frown.

"What?" Normani asked.

"You showing her that picture." The older girl responds just as Dinah walks up.


Camila hugs Lucy and kisses her cheek, yes they had a kid together but they were honestly just friends. "I'll be by after my fight." She says before making her way to the bathroom where she heard someone crying.

Frowning, she locks the bathroom door and moves over to the stall, knocking gently.

"Are you okay?" She asks quietly, she knew it was Lauren by the shoes she could see under the door.

The crying became silent and Camila heard Lauren shift and sit down on the floor. The girl's old muddy converse propped up against the wall.

"I know about the bet, I'll help you if you want." Camila says softly.

Lauren muffled her sobs with her hands.

"I also know about Remi, I've been saving up my money from the fights to get a decent place and I was going to ask you to move in with me. But I was always too scared, and then the janitor closet thing happened and you hate me." The brown eyed girl says, continuing to talk to Lauren, trying to get her to speak.

Lauren remained silent. She pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her face in her knees, biting her lip to stop her sobs.

"I think the worst part of all of this is that I've been in love with you since sixth grade and you always seemed more interested in guys like Brad, Luis, and even that older kid Ty." Camila whispers, sitting down and leaning back against the stall door.

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