"Okay little miss basic instinct" Tyrone said

I'm sure Blue has issues I just cant figure it out what it is yet.

"How does Naz feel about that?" She asked

"Shes fine. I also appreciate you guys not telling anyone at all" I said

"No worries" they all said

"Okay, a few more run through a and you guys can hit the showers and go home" I smiled

"Can we talk?" Blue said

"Sure wassup?" I sat down

"You know that I dated Naz?" She asked

"Oh, no I actually did not know that" is she serious

"Yes, that day at her mothers birthday party, we was dating. But now your her wife and I just wanted to let you know that, I dont find it weird, I still like you and want to be like you" she smiled

"Oh okay Well Thank you Blue" like what else was I supposed to say to that shit

She just looked at my stomach and smiled and walked off, to join them in the dance. What the hell was that shit about. I went into mt office and relaxed while they practiced.

Home 9:28 pm

I got in took a nice shower, washed this curly mess I call natural hair. I started to cook a late ass dinner because I was hungry as hell. I started crying because I was so hungry. I laughed at myself because I cried.

I actually dont know where Naz is I called her a few times but she havent picked it up yet so, I'll just put her food in the oven.

Knock knock

"Why no one ever used the door bell" I asked myself

"Yes?" I said looking out the peephole

"Its Tom" he said, the English language teacher

"Okay, it's late. How..why are you hear?" I asked not opening the door

"I found your work ID on the ground by the dance studio" he said

"Oh. Who told you where I live?" I asked

"The administration offices, I just wanted to give it to you" he stated, I slowly opened the door I was only wearing a towel

"Thank you" I took it out of his hand

"Are you busy?" He asked

"Yes, I'm cooking dinner for my wife" i smiled "she showering" i lied and of course Naz headlights shine on the house as she pulls into the driveway

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