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-The brig, otherwise known as prison-

"Magnus! Listen to me! They aren't drugs you fraggin' idiot! LISTEN TO M—" Megatron's shouts were silenced when the heavy door to the brig was slammed shut. He snarled, banging on the door a few times before his fist started to hurt. "LET ME OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE YOU PRIMUS FORSAKEN WASTE OF SCRAP METAL!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, though no one could hear him.

He broke down into tears and sank to the floor, pulling his knees up to his chest and shaking violently. He sobbed harder, his entire frame shaking by now. "I JUST WANT TO KILL MYSELF!" He screamed again, choking on his sobs and tears streaming down his face.

Everything that had been repaired and built up was gone. Like a dam that had a breach and everything was let loose at once. Rung's work was wasted. Everything was wasted.

Why did they even bother trying to help him? He was hopeless, a broken toy that couldn't be fixed.

Megatron cried for hours, moving to different places in the cell and banging his head against the wall. He was borderline insane by this point, driven mad by anger and depression. Why couldn't it just all end now?! He was done with everything!

-A few hours later-

Muffled voices were heard at the door, but Megatron ignored them. His insane side had faded back into denial and silence, his dull red optics staring at the wall. His armor was scratched up from when he was trying to hurt himself and he had a splitting headache because he was banging his head against the wall.

The door creaked open and a familiar orange mech poked his head in, his glasses glowing a soft blue from his optics. "Megatron? May I come in?"

"No." Came the simple answer, sounding as rough as sandpaper. "Leave me be."

Rung sighed and glanced at Ratchet, who was standing behind him. He turned back to Megatron with a somber expression. "Please... I hate seeing you like this. Magnus said it was a huge misunderstanding and you could come out..." he said softly so he wouldn't trigger Megatron's anger.

"Why should I even come out? Nothing can help me and no one cares..." Megatron muttered, setting his chin on his knees and sighing. 

"We've been over this before. We all care about you and we're just trying to help. If you could just try and come with me, I have something for you." Rung replied, holding up a bag of energon treats.

Megatron lifted his head, squinting in the light as he tried to see what was in the bag. "Energon treats? What for?"

"They aren't just any energon treats. Ratchet formulated them specifically for you. They have certain ingredients that will help calm your systems and lessen your urges to harm yourself. Plus, they taste wonderful." Rung said, lowering his arm and looking at Megatron. "Please..."

Megatron sighed, rubbing his optics and groaning. He needed to dig himself out of this hole of depression sooner or later, so why not now? He slowly stood up and sighed, lumbering over to the door where Rung was standing and looking down at him. "Well? Let's go..." he mumbled.

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