You can't escape guilt

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"I don't want you to tell Magnus..." Megatron mumbled to Rung, growling when Ratchet tried to check him over again.

Rung was kneeling beside him, watching silently as Ratchet scanned Megatron for any injuries. He had called Ratchet as soon as he found Megatron with the dagger. "I have to, Megatron. He needs to know about this."

"NO HE DOESN'T!" Megatron exploded, shoving Ratchet away from him in the process. He calmed down and hung his head again, not even bothering to look up at Rung. "He wouldn't understand... he would probably just lock me up so I couldn't hurt myself..."

"That's not true. We're here to help you, Megatron. Please understand that." Ratchet said softly, standing up and putting away his scanner.

"Where's the dagger?" Rung asked, his bright blue optics flickering as he glanced around the room.

"Over there, under the table... you kicked it when you ran in here..." Megatron muttered under his breath.

"Ah, thank you." Rung nodded, bending down and reaching under the table. He felt the smooth surface of the blade and slowly pulled it out, holding it in his palms. It was an eyesore to look at with its rusted handle and jagged edges.

Ratchet glanced away when he saw the dagger. He could only imagine the wounds that thing could create. He shuddered when he imagined walking into Megatron's habsuite only to find him dead on the floor with his neck sawed open. "What are you going to do with that?" He asked, turning to Rung.

"I'm not sure yet, I'll speak with you later after I talk to Magnus." He whispered, gesturing that he didn't want to tell Ratchet while Megatron was there. He hid the dagger from Megatron's view and looked down at him. "I'll be back in a moment to fetch you so we can go talk in my office. Ratchet will stay with you until then."

"Fine..." Megatron growled, listening to Rung walk away and close the door. "Great... now I need a medic to watch me like I'm some sort of insane idiot!"

"Megatron please, I just want to make sure you don't try anything else.." Ratchet murmured, fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"Like what?! You think that if you leave me alone, I'll try and kill myself again?! You people don't understand..." Megatron snarled harshly, throwing his hands up and looking at the ceiling.

Ratchet sighed heavily, looking down at the floor. "No, I don't understand you. But I'm trying to. We all are."

"Apparently not hard enough! I'm beginning to think that no one honestly cares about what happens to me..." Megatron growled, burying his head in his arms again.

"Stop thinking like that! We care about you, all of us... It's just... hard to understand sometimes..." Ratchet sighed, shuffling his pedes. "Rung is going to help you, Alright? This will all be solved soon enough."

At that moment, Rung returned from wherever he went. He could tell that Megatron was agitated and sighed heavily. "Thank you, Ratchet. Come along now, Megatron." He helped Megatron get up and led him out the door.

Ratchet shook his head and sighed again, following them out into the hall. "I didn't think it would come to this..." he murmured under his breath.

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