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-Rung's office-

"Megatron please, I'm trying to help you. Not talking won't help at all." Rung insisted, trying to get Megatron to open up.

But he wasn't budging. He hated being in Rung's office, he hated needing to be taken care of, he hated it all! He just wanted to fade from existence and act like nothing ever happened.

Megatron rubbed his optics and sighed heavily, shifting his weight a bit on the couch he was sitting on. "Why do you want to help me?" He asked plainly, looking Rung straight in the optics.

Rung adjusted his glasses and set down his notepad, folding his hands in his lap. "It's my job to help others, Megatron. I specialize in aiding bots who have... mental ailments and help them resolve the issue without any pain."

"That still doesn't answer my question. Why me? Why do I matter to any of you? Why should I matter to any of you?" Megatron said gruffly, throwing his hands up in the air lightly.

"Because you are our friend and co-captain. You are important to us and we need you. We care about you, all of us." Rung replied, a small smile on his face. "Now please, tell me how long you've been having these suicidal thoughts."

Megatron sighed and leaned forward, propping himself up on his knees. "A long time. Even before I boarded this ship."

"After the Great War?"

"Yes, after I made that peace treaty with Optimus and was done fighting. I kept getting these strange looks. Everyone hated me for what I had done to them in the past. I tried to resolve it through the treaty, but it failed miserably." Megatron explained, his dull optics staring at the floor.

"I remember that... it was almost like a manhunt..." Rung murmured, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "At least you tried. No one will ever understand the pain you've gone through to get to this point in your life. You are incredibly strong, Megatron. Stronger than anyone I've ever met." He finished, smiling warmly at Megatron.

Megatron rubbed his optics and looked up at Rung, a slight smile on his face. "You mean that? You aren't just saying that to make me feel better right?"

"Of course not! Why would I lie about something like that?" Rung exclaimed, patting Megatron on the shoulder. "Seriously, I mean it."

"Well, I'm glad... at least someone believes in me.." Megatron chuckled, sitting up straight.

"Mhm, now before you leave I have to give you something to help with your suicidal thoughts. Here." Rung grabbed a small bottle from his desk and handed it to Megatron.

Megatron took the bottle and examined it, seeing the words 'anti-depressants' writing in Cybertronian. He sighed, gripping it in his hand and standing up. "Thank you, Rung. For everything." He said, smiling and nodding as he left Rung's office.

"No problem, Megatron. Come back in a few days or so for a checkup. Remember that I'm always here if you need someone to talk to." Rung called after him before he closed the door, taking off his glasses and cleaning them.

"I'll remember." Megatron replied, gently closing the door and sighing. He slowly walked down the hall, wondering what to do now. "Maybe I should refuel first before taking this medicine.... I didn't get any energon earlier.." he mumbled to himself, remembering how he shattered the glass of energon when he was talking to Rodimus.

With that thought in mind, he made his way to the energon storage room where the spare energon was kept, hoping that no one would stop him along the way.

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