(Y/n) had went inside where everybody else was settling for dinner.

"Hey, Naga, do you think (y/n) is an okay girl?" I give her a treat and she wags her tail. "Yeah? I think so too." I give her one last hug.

(Y/n) POV

You board Oogi in the early morning, back in the airbending clothes, shiviering from the icey wind.

You were bummed out that Korra wouldn't be able to come back to Republic City, she was fun.

Milo went back to sleep on Pema and Jinora was reading a book. Ikki threw a small air ball at you.

You gasped as she laughs. You pull water from the air and splashed her lightly back.

"Mooom! (Y/n) splashed me with water!" Ikki complains with damp hair.

Pema laughs and sighs. "You gave her an air ball to the face." She closes her eyes, trying to get more sleep.

Ikki pouts and turns back to you. "(Y/n), could you tell me a story?" She crawls to your side with expecting eyes.

"What type of story?" You shifted to get comfortable. The sea breeze ruffled your hair, which was now in a pony tail.

"An exciting one. One with action and romance!" The young air bender starts to babble.

"Oh," you sigh. "I'm not good at story telling!" You try to back out of it. Ikki shakes your shoulder.

"Pleeeaaaassssssseeeee!" She starts to beg. You sigh.

"Okay, just don't expect a smooth story line though." You give in.

"You'll do great." She encouarges you.

"Once upon a time. There was a young girl named... Rihi. She loved to feel the wind on her face. She would always climb up trees, in the mountains, to feel the best breezes." Ikki leaned in with interest.

"Rihi wished she could fly. To be the wind itself. So, one day, she went to the peak of the mountain. She wished to the spirits that she could fly. That she could control the air. Bend it to her will."

Ikki was grasping on to every word. "They granted it. She was happy. Rihi soared across the skys, shaping clouds to her liking. Days, weeks passed. She was starving, and thristy. She wanted to land but she couldn't! She flew back to the peak, knowing she made a deal with evil spirits."

Ikki gasps, covering her mouth. "Oh no! What is she going to do?" She asked, serious. You give her a small smile.

"She demanded to have the controling of air be taken away. The spirits just laugh at her. 'Once a deal is made, it can't be undone.' They scream with pointy sharp teeth. Rihi tried to visit her family, but they have been captured by an army to fight a war. Rihi was saddend. She cried as she floated in the air. Soon, she finally got a hold on her emotions."

Milo and Pema had open their eyes, looking at you as you tell the short story.

"Rihi, determined, went back to the peak. 'I have another deal' she calls out to the spirits. No one showed up. She calls out again and again. Still, no spirit shows. Rihi was about to give up. But a small spirit, resembling a rabbit with butterfly wings, timidly eacapes a bush and catches the girl's attention. 'Wait' the spirt says. 'I can help.' Rihi floats down as close as she could, needing the help."

You take in a deep breath, stalling for what should happen next.

"The spirit reaches out a translusent blue paw. 'Touch my paw and you can land. All of your health will rise and sleep will not be a problem.' Rihi reaches the paw with a finger. A zap ia shared and Rihi falls to the ground with a loud thump. Her hunger and thirst is gone. Her eyes no longer heavy with exhaustion. 'Thank you.' She says to the spirit. The spirt twitches its ears and samples the air."

Ikki grabs onto your arm. "Oh no! What's happening?!" She was wrapped up in the story.

"The bunny tells Rihi to run. She does. She hides behind a far tree. Screams of evil spirits stratch at her ears. 'Where is the girl?' They question the bunny. 'She is destined for a greater purpose than yours.' The good spirit avoids the question." You look out to the sea.

Ikki wouldn't let you stop telling the story until it was done, you had no breaks.

"Rihi takes the spirits paw again, letting it enter her body. Rihi's burns stopped and her blood flow cut off. The bunny was saving her from the battle wounds. 'Rihi, wash them out with the lake over there.' Yaro, the spirit who was now inside her, spoke in her mind. Rihi was confused. 'How?'" You cough once with a dry throat, and using it from the past several hours.

Jinora had put down her book a long time ago but you noticed her clutching on it to dear life.

"'You know how Sesha did it? Just copy her.' Rihi follows Yaro's advice. In a few quick movements, the evil army was washed down the hill side with water. Rihi continued to run. Her family was the last of the prisoners to be found. But nothing was showing up. Rihi was losing hope. It took her three days to rid of all of the other prisoners. Each day, all of the prisoners will say that they were the first to be caputered. Rihi trips on a rock, slamming into the dusty ground with a scream. 'I can't do this, Yaro' Rihi crys. 'Of course you can. Unlatch yourself from the earth. Change in the moment but be stable. And never stop fighting.' Yaro gives a comforting scream inside Rihi's head. Rihi gets up, firey determination fills her heart. She, for the first time after she touched Yaro to land, floated onto the air. Her hands and feet, jets with fire, pushing her faster into the search." You squint your eyes to think.

"Rihi hugs her family goodbye. 'Yaro. You need to go, you can't be trapped in here, in me, forever' Rihi feels a tear slip from her glassy eyes. Yaro exits Rihi's body after hesitating. 'You were a true warrior and friend, Rihi. I'll miss you.' Rihi's wounds start up again, the burning sensations and bleeding were unbearable. 'At least the land is free from evil.' Rihi coughs. Yaro sighs and puts a paw on the girl's forehead. 'May you rest in greener pastures.' Rihi's eyes close, her life ending peacefully. The land was free and the evil spirits no longer there. Though the sun shined in the brilliant blue sky, it seemed like a gray cloud has casted a dark shadow over the land." You end the story with a sob.

Ikki started to ball and Jinora cried into her book. Even Pema and Tenzin started to tear up.

"Why would you do that?! You're the worst story teller ever, (y/n)!" Ikki throws an angry finger in your direction.

You shrug sadly. "I don't know! Does it seem like I'm enjoying this?! I told you I was a bad story teller!"

A/N: I honestly don't know what I was doing for the story telling part  😂

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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