Chapter 23

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"Very good, (Y/n)! You are a quick learner." I congratulate her proudly. She bows with thanks.

"I just have great teachers!" She beams.

"Come let's medatate." I beckon my student and children to follow me.

We reach the destination and I start to explain why meditaton is imporant.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" A boy's voice calls out my student's name. I feel my eyebrows twitch in annoyance as I open my eyes.

"We are trying to meditate! What do you need her for?!" Milo screeches in his high voice.

We all laugh. "Now Milo, we need to help who ever we can." I speak to my son before looking at the new comer.

"What do you need?" I stood from my sitting postion, my cape ripples in the action.

The boy dressed in green laughs nervously and rubs the back of his head. "Hasook is sick and we need a fill in for tonight. She is the only waterbender that we know is very powerful to help us win the match, sir." The green eyed boy shifted on his feet.

I gasp. "What? No. Absolutly n-" I started to deny permisson but (Y/n) inntrupts.

"I would love to but I don't know the exact rules." Her voice was light but her face was formed in a slight frown.

The boy turns to face her. "Great! Don't worry! We will teach you. Mako is better explaining the rules off the ring but if you need any help, stay close to me during the match if you have any questions." He beams with uncontained joy.

"Who are you?" I ask, wanting to know who is he and how does he know (Y/n).

(Y/n) POV

"My name is Bolin. I'm the earthbender on the Fire Ferrets." He sticks out his hand for a greeting. Tenzin takes his hand and shakes it firmly.

"Councilman Tenzin." The airbender introduces back. You stand up, eager to be part of the game you had witnessed a while ago.

"Do you need me now?" You ask, ignoring Milo's groan of exgarated frusteration.

"The earlier the better." He smiles widely and you nod, agreeing.

"Let's go!" You exclaimed with excitment, trying to ignore your racing heart.

You enter the brothers' living space. Mako was only wearing his pants and white tank top, barefooted.

"Bolin, I told you I could handle i-" Mako looks up from his work at the coffee table and stops in mid sentence when his meets your eyes.

His gold firey eyes widen and quickly goes back to normal. "You got (Y/n) as our replacement?" His voice cracked in surprise.

Your heart beat speeds up and you blush lightly, feeling giddy. Bolin went to me first! "Yeah, but you need to do a crash course on what is what if we all want to look good."

You follow Bolin to the couch and sit down, still clad in your airbending clothing. "Sure, I could help." Was the last words he spoke before diving into the many rules of Probending.

You nod along as Mako draws out diagrams and explains in explicit detail. "You got it?" His voice was smooth and low. His breath heating your ear as he turns to look at you. Mako had joined you on your side of the couch where Bolin used to sit.

The earth bender had to fancy up Pabu for the opening entrance.

"Yes. I get it now. Thank you." You slide a strand of your (h/c) back behind the left ear.

"You think you're ready to fight with us?" The firebender's chuckle make you laugh.

You look into his bright eyes, your heart skipping a beat. "Yeah, I'm ready. But I don't think the oppents are." You jokingly boast.

He laughs at your response and you join in. Your giggling edged him on and he continued but harder. His red face drove you over the edge and you fell off the couch, gripping at your heaving stomach.

Bolin walks out and looks at the pair of you as if you were going crazy. You instantly calm down when he starts to speak.

"So, what's so funny? What am I missing out on?" Bolin ask, carrying Pabu in his arms.

"She was boasting on how good she was at waterbending!" Mako wipes a small tear from the corner of his eye.

Bolin gives a short fake hysterical laugh, spooking Pabu away. "Sorry, Pabu," he calls to the cuddly creature. "I had to do that. I always do that." Bolin apologizes and runs a hand through his brown hair.

"Come on, bro. Let's teach the trainie techniques on the probending style." Bolin suddenly switches the topic.

You follow Bolin, leaveing his firebending brother to pull on his coat and shoes.

The only uniform available was Hasook's. It was big and loose on your body. The helmet barely passed to be considered to be protective.

Nervousness pushed through your veins. You were pacing around the prep room, trying to calm down.

You feel a warm hand land on your shoulder. You look back and find an energetic, beaming Bolin.

You smile back and stopped walking.

"It's going to be okay. You're going to go great." His flowing voice gave you uplifting encouragement.

"You too." Was all you can manage out while looking back up to his bright green eyes before the team name being called out for entrance.

You step out with Bolin, standing close that your arms were slightly brushing.

You take a step back, caught off gaurd by a earth disc. You bend water to push back the earthbender two spots, sending them to the last area. Bolin and Mako were battling their own oppenets.

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