Chapter 7

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You wake up with a yawn. You look over at the clock and relalize the match is going to start in half an hour.

You shot up and quickly fixed your long (h/c) hair into braid. You ran out of the temple and dived into the water surrounding the land.

You sped your way to the areana underwater. You reached the edge and shot up on a water thread.

You proppelled yourself onto the walkway and almost slammed into the wall(you didn't do it often).

A cold breeze swept in and you shivered majorly. You wick away all of the water from your hair, clothes, and skin, making you dry again.

You followed a random couple inside the golden glowing building. You open your jaw slightly when you see how big the throng of people in the room.

You were about to enter the line when you hear your name being shouted. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" A familiar voice shouted.

You turn around to Bolin dressed in a red and white bending suit. Your stomach dropped, bounced, flipped and hopped until butterflies were created.

"Hey, Bolin!" You met him half way. He hugs you and you hug back, tingles rushing over were ever he touched.

"Come on, (y/n). We have a special place for you to watch." He wraps is arm around your shoulder lazily. You tense for  a second  then relax, enjoying his warmth(and his muscles).

You walk and turn and finally made your to a door. "Are you ready?" The handsome earth bender whispered into your ear. You hold back a shiver.

"More than ever." You whispered back, looking into his sparkling green eyes. Bolin turns the door handle and slowly opens it. The seats surround most of the arena and are screaming  either for the Ferrets or for the Badgermoles.

You walk into the brown schemed room and observed the lockers and benches. Mako walks in and gives you a curt nod. You smile, ignoring his rudeness.

Bolin guides you to the balcony and the crowd goes wild. Bolin waves, taking in the attention. You want to back away but don't.

"Come on, (y/n), wave!" He laughs. You sheepishly raise your hand and waved. Just when you think the crowd's volume was at its loudest, it increased to a deafening shriek.

You laugh as you notice movements, they were waving back. The comentor, who introduced himself as Shiro Shinobi, started to speak. "It appears to be the earthbending member of the Future Industries Fire Ferrets, Bolin, has brought a special lady with him. The crowd is going wild and waving!" You struggled to hear what he had said due to the excited mob of people who were now calming down, the match is about to start.

Bolin leads you away and introduces you to Hasook, the waterbender member for the Fire Ferrets. He just gives you a glare, you narrow your eyes in return.

You looked over to Mako, who was now putting on his helmet, he looked over and his eyes widen for a second. He was about to say something but the ring announcer began the game.

You shouted good luck to them and sighed.

The match was starting.

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