Chapter 17

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"(Y/N), I'm cold." He tiredly says, holding up up his hands. The gloves were big so they didn't any good for him. His fingers were blue and his nose was red. He slides off of your lap and you struggle to get up. "Where are we going to go? No one likes us!" He cries.

You feel your heart break into a thousand of pieces. "I don't know." You sigh, defeated.

"Maybe I can help." A tenor voice of a boy your age calls out. You turn around and see a tall, broad boy smile. His blue eyes glowed in the street lights.

"What?" Fear tingled over your skin. What does he want? 

"I can help. My mother owns the IceBerg Inn. Original right?" He gives a chuckle.  The two of you don't laugh. The boy combs his hands through his brown, shoulder length hair nervously. You glare at him. He notices and shuffles his feet.

"What is your name?" You ask bitterly. He looks taken aback but quickly recovers.

"Keietsu." He replies shortly with a straight posture. Did I intimidate him? You ask where the inn is located. "Just two buildings down." He instantly states.

You start walking in the direction he had pointed. Kauo sticks his tongue out at Keietsu and glares. Keietsu just stands there, shocked. You go down two like he had said and you found the IceBerg Inn.

The inn was quaint. Browns and blues dominated the small lobby. A lady sat the front desk, writing something down. You crept up to the desk and clear your throat quietly. The woman looks up and she looks familiar. She is probably the mother of that Keietsu kid.

"Hi, sorry to interrupt, but we need a place to stay." You uncomfortably hold eye contact with the woman's light blue eyes. She smiles and nods.

"That's fine, there was no interruption. How long will you two be staying?" She preps her book for a tally.

"I'm not sure actually. We came here on a whim and we have no money." You quickly explain. Cheeks aflame, you look away from the lady in front of you. I probably look like a mess! She probably thinks I'm a ghost or the dead brought back to life!

"I'm sorry to hear that. I offer work for people who can't pay for stay, though." She gives you a smile. That statement lifted all of the dread and stress off of your shoulders and you smile back sincerely.

"Thank you so much! I was afraid that I couldn't find a place to stay. I'm just so cold. I cried for hours in an ally way with him and he is freezing and..." you suddenly ramble on but you catch yourself in time.

"Your welcome," the lady scooched back her chair and stood. "I'll get your room prepped. Please, have a seat by the fire." She gives another smile while gesturing to the dark blue armchairs postioned by a roaring fire. 

You set Kauo down in one chair and sit down in the directly opposite. He immediately joins you on your lap. "Can we change our names, (Y/N)?" He asks in a quiet voice. Your eyes widen in shock. Change our names? "So my parents can't track us." He adds on once seeing your face.

"What do you want to change it to?" You ask, seeing the truth in what he suggested. It's going to take more than just changing our names though...

"Well, I've been thinking. You could be Watatsumi and I could be Rikkamaru. I could also be your brother." His eyes were big and glistening with hope. You caught this unexplainable feeling in your chest. A mix between happy and sad. You nod your head, kicking the thoughts away and focusing on Kauo.

"We can do that, Rikkamaru." You chuckle and boop his nose. The lady from earlier walks back in and calls you back to the desk.

"Your room is ready. I'll bring some food when your read but I have a few questions. What are your names?" Pen ready in her hand, she looks at her book.

You didn't like lying but  it was Kauo's request to do so, so he could feel safer. "Uh, Watatsumi and Rikkimaru." You quickly respond.

She scribbles down the names. "What soup do you like?" She grabs a stray paper and smiles up at you. You quickly think and make another lie.

"Ah, too hard to choose. So, what ever you have in stock will be good." You chuckle and the lady smiles bigger.

"My name is Aiuoko, by the way. Your room is number ten. Your soup will be ready in a few minutes." She hands you a set of keys held by a wooden piece in the form of the number ten.

You readjust Kauo on your hip and walk down the hallway. The even numbers were in this hallway. Ten was at the end of the hallway. You set down Kauo and offer him the keys. "You want to open it?" You suggest and he excitedly nods and steals the keys.

Kauo unlocks the door with ease. The sight before you is like heaven. There were two full sized beds clad in golds and silver-blues. Plush pillows and thick blankets screamed for you to join them. A window with the wall-length curtains drawn was in the center of the wall to the right.

The two of you enter the room. Kauo shuts the door and explores the other room. A walk in closet was next to a full length mirror and an elegant dresser. Kauo whooped and clapped.

You find him in the bathroom, which had also took your breath away like the main room. A large tub filled with steaming water and bubbles taunted you and your hay covered filth. The walls were white and had designs of water printed in grays and blues. The dark brown wood floors were polished to a reflection.

"You should take a bath. The hay would make you itch." You squat down to his level. He takes in every word and nods. You smile and leave the bathroom, closing the door behind you. "I'll be right back." You call out before taking the keys and leaving.

"Hey, so you found the place." The familiar voice spooked you. You let out a gasp of fright.

"Of course I did." You narrow your (e/c) eyes. "The name is Watatsumi, by the way." You stick out your right hand in introduction. Maybe the name change isn't so bad.

He smiles and returns the shake. "What room are you staying in?"  He gives a gummy smile.

"I'm staying in room ten." You wiggle the keys. Keietsu laughs. "Do you guys happen to have spare clothes for me and my brother?" You ask, aiming for your mission to be completed as soon as possible.

Keietsu awkwardly shifts from one foot to the other. "Uh, yah. My sister moved to the North Pole, so I'm sure you can borrow her stuff." He rubs the back of his head and looks away. What is he thinking in that small brain of his? You glare at him in disgust.

"What about my brother?" You bit out, trying to stay formal. Anger boiled through your veins, guys are so stupid!

"My mom keeps everything of mine in the back, for memories." He stops moving and pinkens with embarrassment. "I'll just go get the clothes." He excuses himself and rushes away. You sit down by the fire place, waiting for his return.

Keietsu returns shortly with a pile of neatly folded clothes. You grab the clothes and thank him. When you return to the room Kauo was still in his bath. "I'm back." You call out to him. "I have some clean clothes for you." You knock on the bathroom door.

"You come in, the bubbles give me enough coverage. You quickly enter and set down his blue clothes on the counter. "Thank you." He calls to you before you leave. You smile and nod, closing the door.

A/n: I think I said in Here that Bolin will continue to post on Saturdays

But I mean Sundays for Bolin

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