Chapter 2

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(I did NOT draw this! I found this photo while searching up water tribe outfits.)

"Have you ever seen a probending match?" Bolin asked with a charming vocie as he walked back into the tea shop.

You followed him back inside. Blue was the dominate color of the shop. There were statues of sapphire lemurs postioned in strategic places that where ever you sat, you could see at least two. The cups were made of fine white china, trimmed with gold spidery patterns. The high hanging lights shown bright, reminding you of the sun.

You waited at the door, inspecting a gleaming blue lemur. The line was short with only two people left before Bolin's turn. You looked around, two kids, waterbenders, played with their tea.

They made it into many shapes from a long staight line to a house with a stick figure person. You find yourself smiling and chuckle. The mother of the children laughed and messed with hers too, making a heart.

You looked around some more. A couple, holding hands, walked in and greeted you with a simple hello. You greet back politely. One girl had a black bob and the other had long brown hair that touched the hips.

You wonder if you will be in a relationship. Your mind automatically goes to Bolin. Your cheeks flare up and the thought of you being with Bolin made your heart pump faster than the speed of a vicious water whip.

You looked back at the counter to see Bolin carrying two to-go cups in his hands. You slide your left hand behind your ear as if to tuck a stray strand of hair in, except, there was no hair.

You only do that when your nervous. He gives you a heart melting smile. You felt your knees weaken. "Here is your tea." He hands you a cup that carried the sent of your favorite tea.

You take a cautious sip. Your eyes widen with suprise, this is your tea. "How did you know this is what I ordered?" You were confused yet impressed.

He chuckles. "Because it is my favorite tea too!" You guys start walking the direction you were trying to go before the whole Pabu thing. Pabu gave a low growl in Bolin's left ear.

You were walking on his left side and heard the noise clearly. "Well, it seems like Pabu doesn't want his bath." You hear the light humor in your voice was thick.

Bolin looks over with his heart-stopping green eyes. The world around you grows fuzzy except Bolin. You take a gulp of your tea and shook your head, regretting the decision.

"Aaaahhhhhhgggg" you hissed. The hot liquid burned your tounge and your throat.

Bolin laughed for a few seconds before worry masked his face. "Are you okay, (y/n)?" We stopped at a corner, letting Satomobiles and carriages pass by.

You laugh, glareing at your tea with hatred. "Oh, yea. For a moment I felt like a firebender." You laughed. Bolin joined in, almost dropping his cup.

You tighten your high ponytail and fixed your blue sleeves when a cold wind blew into the city.

Bolin was just wearing warm season clothes, while you(who got up early and was freezing in the morning), wore a fashionable water tribe out fit with long brown boots, gray pants, dark blue sweater, and a light blue jacket paried with black arm length gloves.

Bolin grew goosebumps and shivered. Pabu nusteled into his neck. "You sure are lucky!" He gave you a fake glare. You both laugh, turning the corner to enter where the Probending matches are held.

"Well, I would offer this jacket but I'm afraid it might not be able to fit." You tease, following Bolin. "Where are we going?" Curiousity getting the better of you, you look around.

Your head turns all around at different angles to see the new area. You had never entered this building before. You never watched a probending match. You only heard it on the radio when you were at work.

Your now barely walking, taking the tinniest steps, observing the colors, arrangments, rooms and the flooring. That is until someone bumped into, making you lose your balance and spilling your tea once again.

You let out an angry grunt when you hit the floor. Your tea was wasted, luckily not on you this time, but all over the shiny dark brown wood floor.

You get up with feriocity. The person was a tall black haired guy with firey gold eyes and wore a red scarf. "Why don't you watch where your going?!" He seethed.

You put your (e/c) eyes into a narrow lock down. "How 'bout you?! You spilled my tea!" You gestured vicously at the floor.

Bolin was nowhere to be seen. Blood boiling, you bend the tea into an orb like you did on the streets and you turned it into shards of ice.

His gold eyes narrowed as well as he lit both hands with fire, ready to fight.

Petrichor (Bolin x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat