Chapter 27

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I wake with someone pushing me out of bed. I fall with a thump. I groan as I look up to see Milo frown.

"Dad! You're making us late to go to the South Pole! Mom is already mad as it is since (Y/n) started to fight with Jinora about something girls fight about." I stand up, rubbing my rear.

"Milo. You could've just woke me up normally." He smiles and air bends out of the room.

"He's out up now!" He screams as he exits. I sigh. What am I going to do? I quickly change. We are behind schedule because of me. I have to break the news that I can't train Avatar Korra because of the problems in the city.

I go outside and water immediatly drenches me. I gasp and look up. "But there is no clouds in the sky!" I was serverly confused.

I look around again and see (Y/n) on water stilts, running after Jinora who was flying on the staff.

"Jinora! (Y/n)! Fight later about the ending of the story! We have to leave now!" Pema screams at the top of her lungs with a red face.

They instantly stop and come back to the ground. (Y/n) bows lowly and apologizes. Jinora copies her.

Pema whips around, hearing my soft foot steps. "Finally! Does any one know how to be organized!?" She yells into the air. "Ikki! Milo! Get on Oogi now!" They obey silently.

The trip was silent for the first half. I gather the couarge and asked what the two girls were fighting about.

"I think she survived and (y/n) doesn't see any possiblity she did!" Jinora starts to explain the plot of the fictional book (y/n) suggested to her.

"There is no way you can survive that though! It's impossible!" (Y/n) fuels the argument. Jinora takes in a deep breath, ready to fight.

We finally arrive in the artic air. Katara, my mother, was waiting for us.

The children were a hand full and (y/n) was silent as we headed to the compound where Korra stayed and trained.

Korra greets us with a big smile. She notices (Y/n). "Hi, I'm Korra." She sticks out her hand.


You grab her hand and shake it firmly. "(Y/n)." You respond shyly. You were in the presence of the avatar. Half emmbarssed, you don't meet her clear blue eyes fully. She probably studied all of the styles of water bending and mastered them on the first try. You thought to yourself, rembering the only real teacher you had was your mother who was well versed in the styles but died to early to train you in all of them.

"You seem like you have lot of strength. Do you want to give me a few pointers on airbending? It will be great to know how to do something before the real training begins." She laughs and drags you away to a cort before any one can say anything.

You wanted to tell her your not an airbender but, you couldn't bring yourself to do it.

She shuffels her feet excitedly. "What's the first thing?" You open your mouth to say something.

"Well, first, hold your body like this." You postion yourself at a beginner stance. Korra copies you.

Tezin POV

I needed to tell Korra that she couldn't train because I couldn't stay. I stop when I see (y/n) showing one of the first stances of Airbending training, I slow down, waiting to see what will happen.

(Y/n) continues to show off the moves flawlessly. Pride bubbles up as she directs Korra through the motions. Korra tries and makes a few mistakes.

"Close, but not quite. It goes down to up. Not up to down." She smiles sweetly. She probably doesn't have too many friends. Her mother and her was tied in some bussiness with the Red Monsoons... I hope she got out of it, poor girl.

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