Chapter 18

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(I found this picture off of google- - didn't draw.)

You come in, the bubbles give me enough coverage. You quickly enter and set down his blue clothes on the counter. "Thank you." He calls to you before you leave. You smile and nod, closing the door. You lay the clothes you received from Keietsu on the grand bed.

The cloth was purple sided with white fur at the hems. He added a pair of boots and a water pouch. Will these actually fit me? You stared at the clothes for a long time. A knock on the door pulled you from your thoughts suddenly.

"Soup is here." Aiuoko chimed. You rush to the door and answer with a smile. "It's vegetables and fish. Sounds unpleasant but it's good." You allowed her to push a cart in. "I'll just leave this in here."

"Thank you." You bow and she bows back and leaves with a nod. "Rikkamaru, soup is here." You felt weird calling him by his code name.

"Okay, Watatsumi. I'm done anyways." He opens the door and gives a gummy smile.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
You had finished supper, and the kettle of soup. Kauo crawled into bed and fell asleep instantly. It was your turn to bathe.

You tear off the dirty clothes once the bath was drawn and you sank into the hot bubbly water. You sigh a relaxed breath. You close your eyes just for a second, taking in the peacefulness.

You turn around and got ready to fight. You were vicious when it came to someone threatening your mother.

You killed before and you will kill again if someone tried to harm her. You start to bend the blood backward in the blood stream, causing build up and pain. They screamed but you didn't care.

This wasn't the whole triad, but the others didn't part take in this event so they don't get this punishment. You made the blood rush faster, you made them rise, releasing your mother from holding them down for so long.


You wake with a start. The water was lukewarm and your skin was wrinkled. How long have I been in here? You quickly finish the bath and dressed in your new clothes. I guess they do fit. You thought to yourself, trying to rid of the nightmare you had experienced in the tub.

You had braided your (h/c) hair in a tight fashion and pulled the hood over your head. The sun was rising but you didn't care, you were tired. Hopefully I just get a black picture when I dream. You climb into bed, instantly warmed by the thick blankets.

You just closed your eyes when there was a knock on the door. You let out a frustrated sigh and got up slowly to answer it. "Yes?" You say as you open the wooden door. It was Aiuoko.

"I just came here to retrieve the supper cart and deliver you food. I'm sorry if I woke you up." She gives an innocent smile. You didn't want to be rude her so you smile back.

"Oh, no. Never got to sleep yet." You curse in your mind, that sentence was not put together well. "Thank you, the food was delicious." You let her in with a tired chuckle. She gives you a look of sorry. Aiuoko pushes in a cart and pulls the other one out.

"Sweet dreams. Just find me when your refreshed." She almost closes the door but opens it again to add a question. "Where are your clothes? The inn also does laundry." Her smile puts you at ease.

"I'll fetch them really quick." You reply and rush to the bathroom. You seize the clothes from the ground and run back to the front door. Aiuoko takes the clothes and leaves you at peace.  You waltz back to bed and close your eyes again.

There was another knock on the door. You made no move to get up. "Watatsumi? Watatsumi, some one is requesting for you?" It was Keietsu. You don't respond. He knocks a little harder. "Watatsumi, they say it is urgent." His voice thickened with desperation. What is the deal with everybody?!

You frown deeply and sludge to the door, again. "I really need to sleep, so I'm sure it can wait." You seethe with a temper when you swing the door. He looks at you for a second in bewilderment before getting a grasp on his composure. You were sure you had heavy bags under your eyes, but you didn't care.

"I'm sorry-" you hear him apologize so you slam the door and go back to bed. "I don't know. She just slammed the door." Keietsu speaks to someone further down the hallway.

Kauo POV

(Y/N) jumped into bed for what seemed like the millionth time. Why do they keep bothering us? What took her so long in the bathroom? Did she fall asleep in the tub? What if they found us? Where would we run to?

I stop the horrendous thoughts before the anxiety could kill me. I peak my eyes open and look over at the window. A figure was shadowed by the icy blue curtain. Fear had me frozen in the position. (Y/N) sighed airily.

"Are you okay, Rikkamaru." She questions tiredly. How did she know I was awake? It took awhile for me to get out of my paralyzation.

"No." I croak out. My heart was beating fast and the room swayed as horror entered my head. The figure was trying to open the window. (Y/N) heard the underlying fear in my voice. She shot shot up and looked at me. "Look." I stare at the window, I couldn't move my gaze.

Her shoulders slumped then tensed when she noticed. She crept to the bathroom and quietly turned on the faucet. She formed two whips, ready to fight. The intruder did not know we were awake. The window opens and the curtains part.

That's when she strikes. Note to self, do not get on the bad side of (Y/N), ever! She said she wasn't a master! Then what do you call this?! She dexterously moves the thin water threads in waves and strikes the intruder. He takes a step back but quickly recovers.

The man pulls out water from a hidden pouch and fights back. He was clad in black and dark blue. A mask covers his face and the only thing I can see is striking bright blue eyes.

(Y/N) falters for a second and he takes his chance to aim a block of ice to her temple. She cry's out in pain and falls into a heap. Her exhaustion forced her to struggle in getting up. Without thinking I bend some water from the on going faucet and try to whip his hand away from her.

I end up wrapping the line around the curtain and pulling it down. He shoots daggers at me, I suddenly stop moving, fear freezing my bones.

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