'It is how it is' vibe.

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I blinked and the colours morphed away. I let go of the seat belt I gripped onto and breathed as Optimus slowed to a stop. He opened his passenger door for me as I unclicked the seat belt. Once again I carried Molly down before grabbing my bags.

The other Autobots stared at me, some happily as if in greeting, others not; i.e Ratchet. Once my stuff was out he transformed, how mesmerising it was. My eyes almost crossed following every bit of him. Once I identified he was now in his Cyber-robot-I-dont-know-at-this-point-body, he spoke.

"There is no human size bed in this base, and our stasis-berths aren't suitable for human requirements. So you will have to sleep on the human sitting piece, I deeply apologise." He look at me with such guilty eyes, why does this bot care whether I am comfortable before sleep?

"It's fine, Optimus, please don't worry yourself." I smiled up, he nodded sympatheticly before I turned and walked up the stairs. The kids weren't here, of course they weren't, it was 11 PM here; 4 AM at home.

I slumped my bags down, then Molly's bed, before grabbing change of clothes. As Molly settled down, I went down the stairs, down the large hall and around the corner into a room I knew no one would come in.

I changed into loose white silk shorts, with matching white vest top with little white flowers laced. On top I put on a loose hoodie on the walk back, as it took forever in this large base.

Back at the sofa, I made my 'bed' with the 2 flatterened pillows on it and with the blanket I brought with me. I kicked off my trainers before snuggling down into the blanket.

"I apologise, but the lights will not go off. We Autobots take turns on night duty so we need them on for emergencies." Apologised Optimus, once again.

"And on that note, you should get some recharge yourself." Ratchet scoffed. "I've got everything covered here, Bumblebee is staying with me. Go on, rest."

"I'm fine Optimus, listen to Ratchet." I teased, my eyes shut. I heard Ratchet sigh before walking off somwhere; I heard Optimus starting to walk away. "Goodnight!" I called as I opened my eyes, leaned up and looked at him.

He looked at me with tired eyes, and stuttered. "G-Goodnight... Y/N..." like he's never said it before, and turned away.

I snuggled back into the blanket deep enough to just cover my ears. I must of fell asleep pretty quickly, as I don't remember waiting around to sleep. I had nightmares that night, a bad one. I had nightmares regularly, but this one was different.

I was back on Megatron's ship, laying there alone; cold and shivering. It was blacker than black, I couldn't see anything, not even my nose. I called out. No one replied. Suddenly, two cold, brutal hands grabbed my ankles and dragged me across the room. I screamed.

I screamed. Sitting up on the sofa, I breathed harshly as I was covered in cold sweat.

"You're alright! You're safe, you're okay." I heard a voice say. I looked over to see Optimus stood there as close to the platform as possible.

He reached over and one if his giant fingers gently brushed my hair out my face. I put my hand on my chest and I slouched back.

"Uh, sorry... Sorry..." I mumbled as I closed my eyes. I was still so tired.

"Don't be, don't be at all." He said before I looked at him.

"I thought you went to your room to sleep?" I asked, confused on why he was here.

"I went to recharge hours ago, Y/N. It's 8:47 AM. When I arrived earlier I could see you were distressed. But I didn't wake you, as I've been advised that it is not safe to wake humans in a depressive sleep." He answered.

Passion (Optimus Prime x reader) ¡REWRITING!Where stories live. Discover now