chapter 27 (that night!)

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What do you mean won't you help them, he chuckled and said let's go..


Let her stay here tonight... But shiva, he made me turn and closed the door before leaving...

What are you thinking?

I know you made some plan right! He smiled..


I know you care for them tell me na, what have you done?

Not now radhi! I'm tired, good night saying that he turned off lights..

Please god help them in getting back to one again soon, sort out their loneliness..

Good night shiva I placed a small kiss on his forehead before going to sleep...


Tapasvi pov....

I opened my eyes as I felt some pain in my neck and turned to see sanvi playing with my wedding chain, she was here all night, what about radhi sis she didn't came? I saw dhaksh sleeping on the bed after a long time since our fight his hand was securing sanvi..

Hi my little angel I pecked her cheek and took out the chain carefully that she might not get any cut on her little hands..

I took her in my arms and started playing, her giggles made him awake, he got up and smiled seeing sanvi..

Hi my little princess come to dada, saying that he extended his hands but sanvi pulling my chain I moved with her becoz it might break the chain if I forced back and I ended in meeting his forehead with a hit and we both looked at each other and slight pain was left..

We both gulped in pain and I rubbed my forehead where i just got hit.

I took my chain from her hands slowly, and took it to my eyes and kept the chain back  inside my pallu...

Aww I turned after hearing scream from dhaksh and saw sanvi pulling his hair and playing with him..

Good girl you're taking my revenge I muttered in low..

What ❓he asked as if he heard me

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What ❓he asked as if he heard me..

Sanvi come let's go to mom, I took her from him before he asks me again..

Meanwhile radhi sis Came in front of me just outside our room.

What happened you left sanvi last night, because you both were so cute and we don't want to spoil the moment so we left..

Hi baby did you torture your little mom and dad last night, she giggled in answer, and radhi sis took her in arms and placed a long kiss on her cheek..

Hey what are you thinking about, nothing sis ansh used to be naughty and I miss him..

It's k sanvi will cover that too till her little brother or sister arrives soon, she chuckled saying that..

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