Chapter 9

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" You don't seem like a Matt Healy recruit." I spin around only to bump into a tall figure covered in tattoos. Instead of responding I bring one of the many red cups with alcohol to my lips and shoot the stranger a uninterested glare. To many strangers.

"My name's Dylan, you might want to remember that." his light brown eyes are now  black darkening from lust, "You will be screaming it later." I scuff at his ridiculous remark before heading to what I assume is the backyard.

Only when the crisp night air cools my cheek do I realize how heated they are. There are only a few people outside and all of them seem to be with a significant other to engrossed by each others body to acknowledge any other life source. I take a deep breath trying to mentally sort out the jumbled mess inside my mind. Only to become frustrated when the noise and or 'music' prevents me from making a stable conclusion. I make my way back inside the house finding the bathroom after my third try at opening doors. Before I can lock the door behind me a black converse stops it from closing and Dylan steps inside. I quiver at the sight of him and push myself back when he grabs my hand. What the hell is wrong with this guy.

He holds me in place with one arm and the other reaches to cover my mouth. I bite down on his palm before trying to run out the door, I'm tugged back by my hair and Dylan rushes forward locking the door. I panic not wasting a second before screaming for help but he tugs down one of the hand towels and swiftly wraps the cloth around my mouth pushing me down to the floor and climbing over me. My hand reaches up between us and I push at his chest trying to get his body off of mine. Never in a million years would I of suspected this was his motive behind our distasteful conversation.  He rips my tank top off and scans me with ogling eyes. This can't be happening.

"Don't take this personal baby." He coos while I move under his grasp only to have him tighten his hold on my wrist pulling my hands over my head and pushing his hips harder into mines holding me in place. My mind is frantic.

He breathlessly mumbles out something about Matty's newest possession and a virgin at that. My eyes widen as I feel his hardness the only barrier being our clothes. If my stomach had anything in it to emit I'd definitely be choking on my own throw up. I shudder at the feeling of his cold palm groping me through my bra and he brings his head down to suck just below my jaw as he moves his hips, head dropping even lower into the crock of my neck. I scream into the towel and gag on my own words.

His actions halt almost roboticly and he lifts himself up by his elbows and wipes my tears.  Only for them to be replaced by new ones. I am terrified. His eyes holds sympathy and his body tenses up on me.

" I won't go any further don't worry." he whispers out before moving both my wrists into one hand and using his free hand to dig into his hoodie pocket pulling out a knife as he climbs off me and gestures for me to stand up. I take the opportunity to knee him in his balls and he grunts falling to the floor but still pointing the knife towards me. Not my smartest move but my brain isn't exactly in the best of places and I have zero survival instincts.

"You little bitch I could of fucked you till you bled, I showed sympathy and this is how you repay me." he coldy spits out, venom clear in his voice. He slowly stands up and pushes me against the wall before pulling off the cloth from around my mouth and halting my screams with his tongue down my throat the bitter taste of nicotine clear on his tongue. I feel the knife placed to the back of my head and my dignity goes down the drain as I drop to my knees, with tear filled eyes and beg for my life. I don't necessarily expect this to work but I'm desperate.

He pulls me up and I see the waver of emotions before it is quickly pushed away. I don't get his motive behind this or what Matty has to with this or why on earth he just assumes I am a virgin. The more I think about what's happening the more tears roll down my puffed cheeks. I should have never came to this party with Matty.

" You think I'd cut you, I won't hurt you just tell Matty give us what we want." he kisses me slowly one last time before speaking again. He is an absolute psychopath.

I bite my lip to try and suppress the gag. I tip toe a little so I can see his face better just in case I do make it out of here alive an can make a police report and I'm confused to see his eyes are glazed over. His palm that isn't holding me in place, drops the knife and trails up my body before resting on my cheek. Thumbs caress my cheek and his lips dip down to catch a stray tear. Leaving me paralyzed and even more puzzled. Perhaps he is on some kind of drug and has mistaken me for someone else?

" I don't think I have to tell you leave the cops out of this, 16 park street is it?" my eyes widen as my address falls out of his mouth. Okay... so clearly this is not a case of mistaken identity but he can still be some drug abusing psychopath. He continues to mumble out threatening words but his body trembles more than mine. Almost as though he's having an internal battle with himself.

"We won't want Antelica getting hurt now will we or Matty or yourself?" he  slowly states before pulling off his hoodie.  I scurry back afraid of what comes next and he watches me carefully as he chucks his t-shirt towards me before putting on his hoodie and walking out the door. He turns to get a last look at me.

"The city isn't pretty."

September's Staircase [On Hold]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu