Chapter 5

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I stumbled to my feet eyes scanning my room for the cause of why I'm now on my butt.  My attention was diverted to the left side of my room where a ringed tale creature stood on four paws frantically looking for a way out.

"M-m-Matttty!" I screamed out, I hear his footsteps scrambling up the stairs only to have him burst through my bedroom door seconds later looking panicked, his face twisting into humor when he finds the source of my distraught. He runs around the room with it for a little while until it finally found its way out through the window. Matty walked over and helped me up, eyes racking over my body reminding me how barely covered I am. I shift from my right foot to my left muttering out a simple thank you.

"That's all I get come on, I just saved your life." he cheekly remarks stepping closer. I watch as his arms outstretch grabbing me and pulling me into him, his scent immediately awakening my senses he smelt like coco butter but yet had a musty finish. I peek up at him only to see he was already staring down at me. I pull away from his embrace with very little coordination, admiring how his features turn to disappointment.

" It was only a raccoon." I stick my tongue out at him like a child and turn to my wardrobe to get out some clothes.

"Well as a reward for my bravery you are required to go out with me tonight." he says turning me around to face him planting a single kiss on my cheek before turning on his heals and walking out my door. I stand in shock, jaw practically on the ground before I reach up and wipe away his kiss, acting once again like a child.

After snapping out of my inital shock I get changed and walk downstairs and watching in awe as the kitchen counter is plastered with finger food and pancakes. Matty smiles at me handing me a plate.

"I figured I'd make us some breakfast." He grabbed a plate for himself and piled it high with blueberry pancakes. I'm more than certain the gesture was more for himself than it was for me but I can't complain, it's delicious and I basically swallow the entire meal in record time.

We spent the rest of the day just laying around watching movies waiting for Antelica and Danny to return. He suggested the hunger games series, go figure.I felt Matty's gaze on me so I titled my head to look at him.

"You're different than everyone." he spoke and I choked on my own breath trying to stifle my laughter shoving another gummy bear into my mouth not even bothering to respond to him.

"I mean it I can't figure out what it is yet but I know you are different , I feel different around you." he scooted closer tucking stray black waves behind my ear. I look up searching for any hint of sarcasm but come up empty handed. I feel different around him to I feel like there's a constant spark in my stomach but I'm yet to determine whether or not that's a pro or a con. I shake my head to clear my fogged taughts refusing to let anything he says sink into my head.

" Excuse me." I hastily pull myself up and walk down the hall pushing open the door to my dull lit roon where all my taughts lay scattered across the wall some framed and others bare. I pass my fingers over each camera that lay on top of the table choosing one and walking to the back of the room where the mirror stands. I turn off the light and the flash of the camera and snap the photo of my reflection in the mirror. After turning back on the light I watch the picture and decide that it's the only time I'd look beautiful, when I'm unseen and soon enough Matty will realize the same thing so I promise myself not to let him have a effect on me. I'm aware it's a borderline strange way to reassure myself but it works.

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