Chapter 2

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Stifled voices fill my room as I step out of the shower, to exhausted from unpacking to even make an effort to look pleasant for our house guests. I slipped on my white pajamas with the blue polka dots, looked at my self in the mirror and frown. After deciding to put on a bra I make my way down the stairs.

"I thought you said there was two of them?" I hear an unfamiliar voice mutter, I'm guessing Danny's friend.

Stopping to take a peak before I become visual to them.

"I did man she's upstairs." Danny replied looking to Antelica with pleading eyes to come get me so his friend won't be bored to death not that I make a difference.

"Hey" I say dragging a box from the corner of the room to use as a make shift chair.

"Matty this is September my cousin, September this is Matty, Danny's mate." I smile politely at her introduction. Matty makes no move to hide how uninterested he is,nodding his head without even looking up.

I sit in silence occasionally answering any ridiculous question Antelica asks when she includes me in her and Danny's conversation.

It's always been like this me living in her shadows. I don't mind it really if I can wear an invisible cloak for the rest of my life I most definitely will.

"Earth to September!" I'm pulled out of my train of thoughts by Antelica painted fingernail poking my right cheek.

"I'm sorry what ?" I can feel the color drain from my cheeks in my embarrassed state.

"Can you take a picture with all of us, you know as a first day in this house reminder?" Antelica asks pushing around a mushroom from the Chinese takeout box.

"Uh sure." I stammer out barely above a whisper and turn on the ball of my bare feet walking upstairs to grab one of my cameras.

"She loves it, it's like she can't even acknowledge me when she has any of her cameras in her hand and the pictures she actually prints are breathtaking yet she refuses to do photography as a community collage coarse." Antelica breathes out.

"OK can we not speak of me to our guests." I say pouting my lip causing a giggle to escape hers just as I snap the picture.

"Aren't you going to take the picture 'with' us?" Matty asks speaking for the first time putting emphasis on with.

" I-i don't like pictures." I blurt out mentally cursing myself for stuttering. I can't help it he seems intimidating.

Matty and I make eye contact for the first time since we have met and I'm captivated by how soft the emotions laying behind his light brown eyes are. He stares at me a little longer before getting up.

"Where're you going man?" Danny askes Matty.

"I don't know yet I'm just leaving here. It was fun and all but it's Saturday night the city is alive." he winks at Antelica and walks towards the door turning to look at me once more before he exists.

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