Chapter 28

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"How was it?" Antelica comes tumbling through the foyer the minute I reach home, smiling widely at me. I stare at her,confusion written clearly across my face. How was what? Being kidnapped and dragged through hell or was she referring to being stuffed in a car for hours with four dangerous men who live some secret mafia life, presumably that is. One of which she so happens to be dating who refuses to stay away from her even though it may get her kidnapped. Her smile falters for a nanosecond but returns even brighter than before.

"Your trip with Alec and his Nan, how was it ? Thanks for not telling me by the way. I would be upset but to be honest I was just so shocked that you have some spontaneous, adventurous bone in your body that I couldn't bring myself to be once Matty told me the news!" Uh-huh. I glare at her as though she is insane, how long have we known each other ? That does not sound like me in the slightest. Why would I possibly leave on a spontaneous getaway I am all about precise planning, and without clothes, toletries, bug spray? And why on earth will I ever leave telling her up to Matty!

My mouth opens to form words just as the front door swings open and in strolls Matty and Danny, looking a lot more collected than I left them in the driveway minutes ago.

I'd woken up when the car was switched off, only to look up and see my house, my beautiful, safe, right in front of me house, the car was less crammed and Marco and Marco number two were no longer in the car. I had lifted my head off of Matty's shoulder nearly jabbing my eye out on his bone in the process, waking him up with my wince. He had not miss a beat appearing as though he was never asleep, eyes alert and cautious trying to wage my reaction it was only when Danny made the mistake commenting that it was time to 'greet his lover' had I lost it, banging my balled up fist against the back of his seat in protest and pure displeasure. Telling them off for complicating my otherwise completely normal and boring life, pointing my finger at Matty and damming him to hell before hitting my fist against the sit and doing the same to Danny.

They both watched me Matty had stared at me shocked his usually brown eyes drowning in a pool of golden flames that I can only describe as amusement, however I'd like to believe it was a little bit of fear also. Danny had regarded me with stunned features before bursting out in hysterics apparently my tantrum had warrant his laughter. I had gotten out of the cliche black tinted vehicle, slamming the door behind me uttering a 'thank you for saving me' and a sarcastic 'don't get me kidnapped next time' before flipping them both the bird and finding myself inside only to be questioned by Antelica and now evidently I'd be bombarded by the buffoons once again.

"Hey babe!" Danny voice echos throughout the house and she squels like a dying animal before running to him. I roll my eyes, glaring at him. He shoots me a nervous glance while kissing her forehead and I hope the blue in my eyes looks like a void pit. Matty clears his throat and steps further into the room visibly cringing at their pda.

"I need to speak to you now and alone" my voice comes out clipped and I immediately gain her attention as well as the others. "Surly you can tell her about your vacation tomorrow September, you must be absolutely drained. Alec told me you quite enjoyed yourself fishing, kayaking and hours in the garden with his Nan." He finishes his dirty lies smoothly like if he spent countless hours rehearsing it, chuckling and gently moving some of my loose black waves out of my face.

"I would of paid to see that." Antelica snorts, buying his story so easily. His hands are still on my face and his eyes bore into mine, daring me defy him. I push his hand away and turn making my way across the cream room and up the stairs. I hear faint "I miss yous' as I ascend the stairs and I have no clue if I should tell her and hope she stays away from him or if I should keep it to myself. She may become even more intrigued if she knew of his lifestyle, the whole bad boy boyfriend thing. I walk into my room sighing, not even bothering to try and close my door I know Matty is right behind me.

"Where did she think you guys were?" I shouldn't be tired I just woke up but I am, my body lags with exhaustion as I throw myself on my bed. The sheets are cold beneath me and I almost moan out loud at the silky comfort. "A business trip we're busy men after all with me being the owner and manager and him being the Co." I groan loudly pressing my palms into my eye socket.

"So you left her here alone to come and look for me, someone who was kidnapped for allegedly being involved with you lots, good job!" I snicker and he rolls his eyes at me, sitting on my bed without permission and some how managing to make me feel like I am evading his personal space and not the other way around. He pushes my buttons and for once I wish I had voices in my head telling me what to do, so they'd tell me what to do about him, about this because I'm drawing blanks here as per usual when it comes to anything Matty related. "Like I said she is no one's target and is not in any form of danger. Do you ever listen to me? She has no potential treats love." His words bring slight comfort to some part or my brain.

"Do not call me love, Matty! Don't" I hiss and he just stares at me nodding. I feel uncomfortable like he's staring through my soul or some sh!t, like he knows what I've been through for the past couple days, why I refuse to hear him call me 'love.' We stay silent for what seems like hours I don't push for him to leave when I'm fully aware he'd leave only when he's ready. I don't ask him to get up instead I yank the duvet from under him and he eyes me cooly standing only long enough for me to pull it from under him before he sits again. He smells good and it makes me feel even more tired.

"September you must think so poorly of me. I am no monster or some ridiculous mafia king you've read about, life isn't all black and white, situations have thought me how to protect myself and the people around me. You must understand doing anything for the people you care about, you'd do anything for Antelica yeah?" His voice sounds like sin a beautiful facade to hide poison. It does the job and holds me captive, mesmerized by its low, steady caresses.

"It's just a petty rivalry, we're not murders even though we have the looks and the weaponry to be. You won't meant to be but you're stuck between this now until I can clear it up, and I will. Till then you're mine, to care for and I know you don't want me September I get that and I respect that, I don't even think I want you, I don't know honestly but I do know that I hate to think about you with somebody else, I refuse to" He leans into me a little and I dare not move only hold my breath as he touches my cheek before rising off my king size bed, quickly throwing his hair in one and leaving the room without sparing a glance in my direction.

In honour of the somebody else music video that dropped yesterday. Can I just say art.

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