Chapter 3

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My door screeches open waking me from my sleep, I rub my eyes gaining a blury vision of Antelica standing by the side of my bed wearing a pink sundress. Covering my mouth while I yawn I look to her with questioning eyes.

"I'm sorry for waking you but Danny is going to be here any minute now and I'm not ready, look at this." she sighs dramatically pointing to her hair. I raise my eye brow at her.

"My hair won't cooperate, I look like shit,  like complete shit, like attacked by a raccoon shit." she screeches out and plops down on the bed.

"You don't look like shit you look beautiful Danny is lucky he dibs on you before any other guy in Ithaca had the chance to." I reassure her watching as she visually relaxes.

I vaguely remember last night how awkward things got after Matty left, well for me anyway. Watching your cousin swop spit with a guy she just met definitely doesn't make it to my list of favorite memories. I retreated to my room shortly after only to have Antelica come up after Danny left to tell me just how much they 'hit it off ' and how they will be going on a date today.

"So you and Matty." she says sitting up to look at me. I roll my eyes at her and her delusional mind we barely even said two words to each other.

"He is such a B-a-b-e. " she continues and I find my taughts drifting back to him. He was extremely good looking with his hollowed cheeks and pink stained lips, the way his curled black hair often fell down to his forehead even though the sides were shaven.

The doorbell rings and I'm extremely grateful for Danny's timing seeing that I no longer have to carry on this conversation.

"Oh my gosh, f*ck he is here, should I answer the door or should you I don't want to seem desperate, but then again I did kiss him already but this is like the start right? Like the official start, our first date." she rambles on pacing across my room.

"Can you stop you're creating a draft." I seethe , getting up and walking down to the front door, Antelica trailing shortly behind.

"Good morning." I say, looking up only to be met with those eyes. Immediately feeling self conscious.

"Good morning." Matty grins at my distraught reaction. Cheeky bastard. Antelica squeals running down the driveway to meet Danny, I watch as they exchange hellos and he hands her a bouquet of red roses.

"Why can't you be so excited to see me?" Matty sarcastically pouts standing straight to block my view , commanding all attention to be on him and only now do I realize his heavy bristish accent.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as politely as possible.

"Well those two are going on a date." he says pointing down the driveway. Oh no, please no, don't say it.

"Antelica didn't want to leave you alone to sulk on a Sunday so I volunteered as tribute to be your company." he says laughing at his own clever quoting. I'm slightly impressed by his hunger games knowledge though I refuse to show that to him.

"Well I hope she enjoyed her twenty years of life because I'm going to kill her when she returns." I say mentally thinking of a payback. I watch his lips turn up at the sides as he pushes his way inside yanking on my hand for me to follow. I look down the now empty driveway and back inside before hesitantly allowing him to pull me along.

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