Hymns of Damnation | -TMandIK

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Skeleton: TMandIK
Client: CannibalisticNecro
Work: Hymns of Damnation
Chapters read: 5 (10 if counting the poems)

Starting off with the basics as usual. And damn, gotta say, this has got to be the most creative summary Ive ever read. The poems, the hymn of damnation is great, that evokes bloody imagery. This, coupled with the simple end rhyme that gives it a very natural sing-song quality is superb. It also elaborates on the plot in a very creative and simple way, without info-dumping or forcing too much (or withholding too much) information. Excellent work.

Hello, Ivy here, which can only mean one thing. Cover analysis time. To start off, lets go with the obvious. Your cover is awesome. The color palette is well balanced, the contrast and exposure are soothing for the eyes, and I love how the background isn't playing the same stereotypical one-color reference to the main centerpiece. The fog/smoke in the background is a nice detail and the flames make it look dynamic like there is a story unfolding within the visual representation. The font was a brilliant choice, and even though it doesn't follow the golden ratio or the rule of the thirds, it still manages to work as a functional part of the piece.
Maybe my only remark in terms of the technical stuff is the size of the cover title itself. I would reduce it just a bit to give it room to breathe.
Though I cant really critique this thing in terms of the technicalities, there is one thing about it that bugs me as a designer. It's originality. Chiefly, that it doesnt really have much of that. Weve all seen this cover on countless other fantasy novels. In fact, swords, arrows, and knives are the most stereotypical things you can have on a fantasy novel (apart from the obligatory fantasy landscape scenes). However, despite this, it is a great piece and I do like it.

The metonymic title of your book doesnt just connect to the wider meaning of your work, but it's also referencing to the poems embedded within the work itself. I particularly enjoyed them because they both drove the plot forward, as well as revealed snippets of information about your world, and especially the characters motivation. Overall, excellent choice.

Plot, originality, and use of literary devices (+narrative)
Ookay, time to get serious. In terms of plot, your story is quite creative. The premise is so simple, yet so effective. A dark prince going into a foreign kingdom to retrieve his murderous wolf, only to be captured by a knight of light (heh, that rhymed). The simplicity of this goal allows you to focus on your characters and developing their conflict which I feel is what its about. This is primarily a character drama that explores the ideas of good and evil, and how theyre balanced within people. And the fact that your protagonist unabashedly subscribes to the bad side is also a bonus. I love the fact that the story is presented from the POV of a villain. It makes for an interesting read because it makes us both hate some of Skalins actions, but at the same time, relate to him. Something which you've done quite well. It makes me curious to find out if hell break Rollis, or if Rollis will make him change his mind.
Perhaps the only thing I can criticize here is the good vs evil cliché. Though Ive only read five chapters, which isnt much to get the scope of the story, you didnt really give us details about how either Isique or Woran. What exactly makes them evil and good? Just the gods that they serve, or does it go deeper, the policies, the way of life etc. This info doesnt have to be major, a few indirect statements embedded into each chapter will do fine, just enough to build the world better.
In terms of narrative and the usage of literary devices, again no criticism. Youve introduced the set-up, goal and are already on your way to a successful character arc that is likely going to have an exciting conclusion. So great job. Youve also used similes and metaphors to keep the narrative rich and compelling. Seriously, I dont know what else to say since everything is so good that it doesnt even need praise anymore.

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