Jin's Spawn| -queen_of_sass

115 8 2

Client: @HumptyHotPotpotz
Book title: Jin's Spawn
Chapters read: 5

Cover: The cover is aesthetically pleasing and attractive to look at. It's actually super pretty and captivating, but I am not sure how the image exactly correlates with the story. Maybe consider something else? (If you do consider something else, check out Revenant Graphics! -Lich).

Title: At first glance, the title seems unique and original and have never seen anything like it. But I also did not understand why you chose that. Then I read the story, and it made perfect sense and I ended up liking it a lot!

Blurb: So it's not a bad blurb but it's not super good either. The way the information is presented is good but I had a couple of issues:

1.  The sentence 'Like an organization...' is a phrase and should be coupled with the sentence before it.

2. From 'Enemies wishing...' to 'epic actions', it felt a tad repetitive and I feel it could be considerably shortened and several sentences merged to make it more crisp and clear. Right now, it seems the same couple ideas presented in flowery language, which, here, is not needed.

Description: I had barely any issue with the description at all. It was not only incorporated into the story without a hitch, but you
wrote it in such a way it flowed naturally and did not feel like an info dump. Something I do think you can improve on, is the description of the setting. Characters, you are well and good, but the scene was a little hard to imagine.

For example, was the bookstore big or small? Shelves dusty or neat? How was Victor's "lair". Modern or haphazard? The setting is very important and not only beneficial for the reader to imagine the scene but also an excellent way of characterization. You had it here and there, but I would definitely like to see more! In terms of character description, it is marvelous! I am struck speechless. And that's saying a lot, because I talk too much.

Literary devices: Again, no complaint here. Literary devices were used throughout the chapters, not too much that it became annoying and not too little that your writing was flavorless.

Sentence flow/pacing: I didn't spot too many awkward wordings. Some like 'butchered my stomach' did catch my eye, but nothing that made your writing odd and displaced.

In terms of pacing, I had no big issue. I think the plot progressed really well, and the action promised was delivered beautifully. I never felt the plot to be stagnant. Good job!

Originality: Never read anything like it, never will. It is unique and original combined with captivating and I honestly forgot to take notes while reading it. That has never happened before on a review. I had to stop and take notes. I did think the kindapping family thing a bit cliche, but the twist added to the said famil member in the end of chapter 5 made up for it.

Grammar: Nearly spotless. I noticed you had a few tense shifts from past to present here and there, which I suggest looking at, but nothing else caught my eye.

Realism: At first, when Jin threw that knife, without knowing his background, I scoffed at how unrealistic that was. But as his character and career were slowly divulged, that made sense. Other than this, nothing 'unrealistic' stuck out to me.

Protagonist: Jin was characterized beautifully! I really like how you revealed his career and how he behaves as a result of that. Cold, sharp. Exactly what I picture an assassin as. But still warm and kind towards his daughter. I really liked seeing how he was with his wife and Gretchen. I found the fact that he read romance books odd, considering how cold and cut off he is. It's unique but I do think it seems a little misplaced. The main thing I like was how your built up the sunpense around him.
First, how did he throw that knife? Then why did he leave the Order? All of this created a character I am eager to know more about.
Antagonist: Ugh, Victor. I already hate him. Which is good, as it means you made a reader connect with a character and then realize how horrible he is. I had no qualms regarding him.
Sides: I noticed you had many sides (which were all characterized in an approprtate manner for their small role in the story), I will be talking about Citri. I really like how your characterized her love for food and her sullen nature. The thing I really liked about her was all the bread crumbs your dropped. First with the pencil stabbing. You show her for what a crazy person she could be, leading up to her 'big reveal' in chapter 5, but I was still decently surprised then. You built up the tension really well!

Anything else:
I think the titles of 'Head Cutter' and Reaper could be explained a little more. I could get what it was from reading between the lines (I assume it was based on kills?), but a solid explanation would be nice so I didn't have to try too hard.

I would have also liked to see the romance between Cinth and Jin. It would be nice to see how that happened.

This is officially one of my favorite books on Wattpad and if not for time constraint, I would have read all the chapters. I will do so when I get the time.

Most of this review is just flattery haha, but hope there is something substantial in there that could help!

Thanks once again for choosing me as your reviewer! Have a great day <3

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