Rose in the Heartfull of Thorns| -TMandIK

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Skeleton: TMandIK
Book Title: Rose in the Heartfull of Thorns
Client: monalisuhh
Chapters read: 4

Kicking off this review with the basic once again. Not much I can say about the summary other than it being very good. Very compelling and intriguing, it reveals the basic idea behind your novel, without giving too much away. It also does a nice job at building up tension and hooking the reader. So good job on that front. The only thing that lessens this summary is the grammar. Its riddled with errors such as improper pronouns, dependent clause structures, incorrect prepositions, and tense shifts.
For example:

Being a queen bee doesnt mean anything to Eleanor Lockhart when her New Years Eve party ended with a cold basement, a cry for help and a number of scars.

Anything is a pronoun used to refer to a specific range of things. Paired with the modal+lexical verb structure here, it implies that being a queen bee never meant anything to Eleanor in the first place, not that it stopped meaning something to her after the kidnapping. A better fit here would be something like:

Being a queen bee loses its meaning for Eleanor Lockhart when her New Years Eve party ends with a cold basement, a cry for help and a number of scars.

Notice how I changed the tense of ended to ends. This is the second problem in your summary. The tense shifts. When youre writing anything, make sure you stick with the tense you started in, otherwise, you lose the time frame in which your story takes place.
These errors might seem minor to you, but they can make the summary confusing in some parts, and thus, lessen its impact. I recommend you change it up a bit and watch out for such errors in the future. :)

Aloha, Ivy here, with some feedback on your cover. Lets begin with the obvious; the first impressions. Looking at your cover, what Im getting is a soft fluff composition with a dominant piece in the center. The exposure and contrast balance each other out which is a nice detail that goes easy on the eyes. The model is elegant and very alluring, and really contributes to the dream-like quality your cover has. But since we have a bit of drama and mystery going on in your book, I would recommend adding some saturation to the flowers to shake up that sleepy feel, and add a bit of vibrancy to your cover.
Now, though I like this design, I have some issues with it. First one is the title. The font selection is simple which is great but the positioning is throwing me off a bit. Perhaps lowering the title a quarter to the bottom and doing the same with the author name but towards the top would do the trick. After that we have originality. Your cover, elegant as it might be, isnt anything new. Weve seen the same design over and over again on there is a thousand of covers. It really doesnt have anything that might capture a readers attention, especially when its sitting in a line full of books that are similar to it. To combat this, I would recommend adding a simple vector frame would make it more noticeable.

Since Im not that far into the story, I dont think I can comment on the significance of the title. So far, I havent really seen many things that can correlate to the metonymic title in the story, except Eleanor herself, and what happened to her. Hopefully, that changes in the future and the metaphor you wove in there pays off.

Plot, originality, and use of literary devices (+narrative):
Judging from what Ive read, your story has the potential to be more than just a teen drama. The idea of a broken girl who has endured unimaginable horrors after being kidnapped, now being forced to face a new threat in the form of a mysterious new kid is intriguing. Its a great set up that will instantly hook your readers and keep them coming back to your story. The dynamic between Isaac and Eleanor alone is probably the best bit of this book. The animosity between them doesnt feel like some superficial lovers quarrel thats gonna get solved at the drop of the hat. I like it when authors know that people are complex and that relationships take time and a lot of effort to get mended. Heres to hoping that both of them work out whatever happened at that New Years Eve party, and become good friends again. I know Ansels gonna be a big help there. His introduction was spot on, and it made me curious to know just who he was and what he wanted. Heres to hoping we get an answer soon. But something tells me it aint gonna be pretty. :)

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