Chapter Seven: I Will Kill You

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Walking back through the woods with him my mind is completely focused on what just happened. That kiss could have turned into something much more. No I have two day, till the full moon until I have to do that. Technically he's the one who's going to be doing it but gosh. OH MY STARTS THE IMAGES IN MY HEAD!

And at that moment I trip over star knows what causing me to stumble into Jack before we both go down. Growling with frustration I yell, "I don't what the hell tripped me but you can sure as hell bet when I find your sorry ass Imma destroy you!"

Searching around for a few seconds I find the culprit. "Ahha! I found you!" I declare as I go to grad the damn tree branch but Jack stops me. Pulling me back I put up a fight. Imma get that tree branch!

After 20 minutes I finally give up. "Damn you Jack. I was gonna kick the tree branches butt, why you gotta ruin my fun?!" I wine.

Feeling something strong and dark my head snaps in the direction it's coming from. "Jack. Can you feel that too?" I ask.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," is his reply.

Closing my eyes I focus on the dark feeling and try to see it and what's around it. Is that a house? And a... person. Do I know that person. She looks like Tea. Tea's sister. "NO!" I scream. Feeling an incredibly strong surge of magic I take off running to the village. I think I'm running faster than that time those tribe people were trying to kill me. Coming to a stop I skid a good fifteen feet or so.

"Leave her alone!" I yell surprising myself at the sound of how much power my voice holds that it even echoes through the forest. Turning around it faces me. That's no meda human. I think it's a God. Why would a God be here?

"Ebony. It's fine. He comes every month. As long as can provide him with what he wants then no one gets hurt," she tells me. God or not he signed his death letter the second he went after my family.

"For that I think I'll have to hurt her," says the excuse of a God in front of me as he turns around and takes a step towards Tea's sister. Dusk. Her name is Dusk. She never actually told me her name. How do I know what it is then?

"Take one more step I dare you," I say, my voice low and deadly.

Laughing evilly it turns back around. The features on its face have changed. It looks demonic. "What makes you think you can even hurt me? I am a God. You are a child," he says sneering.

"This child you're talking to has killed an army of over a hundred men just by screaming. Star knows what me screaming would do to you," I threaten.

Laughing again he looks at me like I'm stupid. "You expect me to believe that?"

"She's not lying you know," says Jacks voice from behind me.

"I may have seen only a very small portion of her true power but it's enough to know that you don't stand a chance against her," he tells everyone. I think the whole town is here. Whatever. I will not let this go on longer. Even if that mean exposing my true power.

Reaching his hand out he pulls Jack towards him with his magic. He's strong indeed yet in my rage I have felt more power course through my body then what is in his. "Any last words kid?" He says.

I narrow my eyes. "I'm not going to die but I would still like to say something," Jack says. Looking at me he says, "I may have not known you for very long but." He pauses. "I love you Ebony." I'm speechless. I don't know what to do or what to say. I don't even know what I feel right now. Happy? What does it even feel like to be extremely happy?

Grabbing Jacks throat he says, "How pathetic. Say good bye." Then he digs his nails into Jack's throat.

Feeling more power than I've ever felt before within seconds I'm in front of them with that stupid Gods throat in my hand lifting him off the ground. That's when my magic decides it's going to have some fun and Frick whatever I think.

Throwing him as hard as I can he goes fling across the air hitting a cottage so hard it almost knocks down the whole cottage wall. "How dare you disrespect a God! I'll make you pay with your life!" He yells throwing a huge ball of power at me.

Catching it in my hands I say, "Was this supposed to do something?" That really pissed him off. Good. The ball of power dissolves in my hind. Hey I wasn't done with that! I should have destroyed it before he could take it back. Throwing an even larger ball of power at me I throw a ball of my own power at it.

My magic hits his causing a minor explosion in the air pushing both Mr. I have a death wish and me back a few feet. Huh I though only the power of another God could make the other's God power like that explode like that. Just how powerful am I?

Blinking hes gone. What? Turning around he has a knife to Dusk's throat. Jack screams, "Mom! Don't hurt her!"

"What a shame your sister is dead. The men in black actually managed to kill her," he says laughing.

"How do you know that it was men dressed in black who killed her? You could only know that if you were the one who sent them..." That's when it dawns on me. He's the reason Tea is dead.

"You," I seeth, my voice deadly. "You're the reason Tea is dead! It was you this whole time! Are you also the one who killed my parents?" I say my voice so deadly if sounds could kill he'd have just dropped dead on the ground.

"Tea is your birth mother," the God says.

"I wish," I say. "She may not have been my birth mother but she was my mother nonetheless."

The God just laughs. "Now that I have finally found you I am going to use every last ounce of my magic to kill you," I say.

Laughing again he pushes the knife against Dusk's throat and I see blood. Hearing thunder rumble I scream, scream louder than I ever have before. A bolt of lighting stricks the God. Lunging at me with the knife the day gets even darker.

A big circle of blue fire appearing around me and the God. "You should have seen the look on Tea's face when I told her that I killed you. She wasn't dead when you ran out of the cabin. Her death is your fault. You could have saved her," he tells me.

For a second I almost fall for his trick. "She was dead when I ran out of the cabin. There's nothing I could have done. Last time I checked I can't raise the dead! Nice try," I tell him.

Blasting me back I quickly stand up. What I see makes me want to kill every person on this planet. He has Jack, and there's a knife in Jack's chest where his heart is. This pisses off not only me but my magic as well.

Screaming I claps next to Jack. The fire dying away and rain drops start to fall. "Jack?" I whisper. "Jack come on. Say something!" I plead sobbing. "I'll make you pay!" I scream facing the God, my words causing thunder to rumble in the sky.

Looking down at Jack a tear falls from my face and lands on him. I love you too, I tell him in my mind. He'll never know. He died thinking I don't love him. Whiping my head around so I'm looking back at the God I summon every last ounce of my magic.

The air crackling with sparks, lighting flashing around my body seeming to come from nowhere. I can feel my hair grow all the way to the ground purple flames making up the last ten inches of my hair. Everything around me growing crazily. Wind whipping around warm but yet harsh. The blue fire returns but this time on me. The flames coming off my body madly. I throw my power at him.

Upon hitting it there a huge explosion but it passes right through me, I don't even feel a thing. Afterwards the ground stops shaking and splitting apart, there is a huge hole where he was standing just seconds ago.

Looking up I see dark mad looking clouds. Raising my hand towards the sky the clouds go from pitch black to white. The darkness now replaced with the light.

"Can't say you weren't warned," I say. "Even you could feel I'm much more powerful than you, yet you still tried to kill me." Looking at the hole there's something there. Bringing to me with my magic I look at it.

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