Chapter Three(Present time): The necklace

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Age fifteen.

How many villages have I been through now? Whatever. One more village. At the next I'll stop. I should be safe then. Well as safe as I can ever be.

Finally. I'm here. I hate this life. But I have no other choice. I can't let anyone find out about how powerful I am. Nothing good ever happens. Walking into the market it's busy. Good. The more people the less noticeable I am. That necklace. It's beautiful! It looks like the necklace Tea use to wear all the time.

Casually walking by I snatch it. Yes! I hate that I'm so good at this. "Hey you! Stop with that necklace!" Yells a female voice. Frick!

Turning around plastering a confused look on my face I say, "You must be mistaking Ma'am. I never took any necklace." I really hope that sounds more convincing to her than it did to me.

Walking over to me a few people walk out of her shop. "Cassidy, what's going on?" Asks a boy with brown hair halfway down his back and brown eyes. Whoa he cute! Focus Ebony!

"This thief stole a necklace!" She says madly. I really hate this life. I never wanted to steal like this. The necklace looks so much like Tea's that I had to have it. Having this necklace is like having a piece if Tea with me.

Sighing I look at the ground. I am not a bad person. As much as I don't want to do this I need to do the right thing. Taking the necklace out of my pocket I hand it to her.

"I knew it!" She yells.

"It looks so much like Tea's necklace. She died when I was four. I guess I took the necklace because it was like I'd have a piece of her with me. I don not wish to cause any more trouble then I already have. I'll leave now," I say tears filling my eyes out of sadness of losing the necklace. Turning around I walk towards the woods but am stopped.

"Tea Mellonight?" Asks a male voice.

"How do you know her na..." I trail off when I see the person who asked. He looks so much like her. Who is he?

"Tea is my Daughter. How do you know her?" He questions me.

"She raised me. At least she did until...." Cutting off I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Stay calm. Opening my eyes the look on his face makes me speechless.

"Ebony." He says.

Confused I ask, "How do you know my name?"

"She wrote to us about you. She loved you like you were her actual daughter. Then one day we never heard from her again," He says a sad look crossing his face.

"What happened to my sister?" Asks the woman who caught me stealing the necklace.

Looking away the tears that threatened me earlier were now rolling down my cheeks. Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself I say, "I don't know who they were. They ambushed us in the house. Tea told me to run..." Breath. Breath. Breath. Why aren't I calming down. No!

"Come with us," says Tea's dad. I don't move an inch. Tilting my head to the side I study him. Can I trust him? Tea knew that I was powerful even though she didn't live long enough to witness what I can do.

Letting my energy flow through him I decide to go with them. His energy feels almost the same as Tea's presences felt like. So I know he's not lying. Walking into the shop with them I sigh with relief as the cold air hits my skin. I didn't even realize how hot I was until now

Awakened #6 (Can Be A Stand Alone)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now