Chapter Twenty Four

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I woke up quite early the next morning. Feeling the need to open my eyes, I adjusted them to the environment: A king size wooden bed with silver satin sheets, a big brown walk-in closet in front of the bed with a gorgeously huge mirror adjacent to it, and some other usual things decorating the room. There were two wooden tables in the room and a big golden chandelier. Royalty was the word. I recapitulated the room from Parrot Cay, a sigh left my mouth immediately. I rested my head on the head board and took a deep breath. Pulling my sweater out of my head, I managed to blink my eyes two-three times. Reaching for the small clock on the table, I realized that I was up on time. It was just 6am and today was The Day. It was Amanda’s wedding today and I had a lot of work to do.

Honestly, there was something really playful about today. I mean, it was just 6am and already you could see the scarlet sky outside: A very unusual thing in London at this point of time. Also the weather outside seemed to be perfect; no dark clouds. It was supposed to be a happy day.

I got up and dragged my feet towards the bathroom. My toothbrush was waiting for me in the stand so I grabbed it and squirted some toothpaste over it. In a combination of drowsiness and excitement, I started brushing my teeth. I glanced at my hair simultaneously and decided that I would have to take a head bath today, no other option. Immediately after brushing, I stripped off for a nice soothing shower. Nothing could be better than this.

Post shower, I came out and checked the clock again, it was already past 7. I had to be down in like half an hour. Still wrapped in the bathrobe, I sat before the vast mirror and stared at the various things kept on it. Starting with the basics first, I blew dry my hair. I let them down, half wet, as the hairstylist was supposed to get them done. My hair looked presentable, I thought.

I got up and walked towards the closet. Taking a step inside, I switched on the light and for a split second, my head just thought that I actually had major chances of getting lost in here. But I was fine anyways. I grabbed the big plastic hanger which held my bridesmaid’s dress and walked out. Taking off the bathrobe, I slipped into the beautiful dress. It fell to my knees and stuck close around the bust. Walking back to the mirror, I took a close glance and finally settled on it. I pulled out the huge make-up kit and applied the basics.

I usually didn’t want to do make-up on my own because I sucked at it anyways; I barely knew how things went. However, I managed to get into my stuff somehow and slipped my feet into the three inch tall sandals. I looked nice.

I grabbed my hand purse and forced in some tissues and my phone and finally, at about 7:45, I left for Amy’s room. I met Soniya on my way, and finally I was rewarded for the bare minimum make-up skills that I possessed.

Amy, however, was just getting done with her make up as we entered. It was already late by then and the wedding was at 10am, the Church being 45 minutes away. There was a lot of rush in the bride’s room already, I figured: The usual bride’s room where everyone wants to do everything.

The huge mirror, pretty similar to the one in my room, was surrounded by a cluster of ladies. Everyone looked ever pretty and for a moment I felt a little let down, but I stood there anyways. There were just too many make-up boxes lying around, accompanied by some hair pins and the usual female-stuffs. We somehow managed to get through the crowd and take a look at Amanda who looked like an Angel on Earth today.

 Lou, who was appointed as the hair stylist for the Bride’s family, was taking grave efforts to get done with the hairstyle she had planned for the Bride. She had braided Amanda’s golden hair into a tight bun at the top of her hair, studded with pearls. There were occasional strands falling down her face, twirled in a sexy manner and a transparent net covering her bun. From within the net, came the visor white veil, which was my idea. Beautiful would be the understatement of the year.

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