Chapter Twenty Two

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His hand was over my waist and my face looked at his. He breathed rhythmically, his chest heaving at every exhalation. I gawked at him with what happened to be confusion; trying to make out what his state of mind actually was. But I was clueless. There was a part of me that wished Harry was here right now. He knew exactly well how to solve such mysteries. I took to staring at the ceiling for a while, and then back to Zayn.

He looked handsome even when he was asleep.

Feeling a little drained, yet not sleepy, I tucked him into the sheets and kissed his forehead. Switching off the table lamp next to his bed, and glancing in his direction one last time I walked out, my head still in a trance of confusion. I entered the living room, seeing a totally jobless Harry sitting on the sofa and fiddling with his phone. There was a sincere smile on his face as apparently, he answered the fan tweets.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked out of surprise and shocked.

"I'm always at the place you want me, babe," he winked his cheeky grin. Oh, Haz.

"I don't remember calling  you here..." I scratched my head trying to remember hard like a ten year old kid.

Harry laughed heartily and ruffled his hair, "Only if you were a little smart sometimes, Pez," He troubled me.

I perched myself on the armrest next to him and looked at his contended face, "Answering some fans, now are we?" I asked blankly, staring at the Apple icon on the back of his phone.

"I was," he answered switching off his phone's screen and throwing it to the table, "Let's concentrate on you now." He smiled as I slid down next to him. He folded his arms and looked me as though he was my counselor and I was some stupid charity case that needed help with some personality problem.

"Gosh you make me uneasy, hahaha," I laughed, "What about me?"

His lips twitched into a cunning smile, "Certainly you wished I were here a moment ago, didn't you?" He asked out of nowhere.

I sighed lightly and with a smile, I nodded my head. My shoulders shrugged automatically and my hands pulled his. I sat there, Harry’s hand in mine.

"Good," Harry replied pressing my head like I was a kid, "See? I told you I was here cuz you wanted me," His hand reached for my shoulder now as we both sat there and stared at the switched off television screen, his arm around my back.

"I guess he needs some more time,” I started all of a sudden after a good two minutes' silence, "But Harry... Tell me one thing," I asked suddenly, the speed of my thoughts racing to almost trillion per second.

"Yes, love?"

I skipped a beat.

"Did I do such a wrong thing by cursing Rach that night?" I asked almost monotonously.

There was another long gap as he stared at my face. I let him to do it. Then he turned me towards him and his green eyes pierced my soul deeply. His eyes offered me sympathy which was something I needed the most right now. His hand caressed my hair once and a smile rose on his lips as his gaze followed his hand and stopped at my chin, "Everything happens for a reason, Pez," He assured me with a little pinch at my chin, "You did what you thought was right. You don't need to think much about it now. What's done is done."

"But it spoiled my life, Haz," I blurted out automatically, frustration evident in my voice, "I've lost Zayn... I've lost Rach... I don't even know what I have left of me, and whether that whatever left of me even wants to live without Zayn! I--"

"Shh," His cold fingers met my dry, trembling lips. His touch sent some terrible shivers down my spine. It was getting extremely cold outside but for some strange reason, it was kind of warm around Harry. I decided to neglect that for the moment..

The Broken Promises || Zayn MalikTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon