Chapter Eight

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His delicate face, a mixture of perfect manly features with a blend of unreadable emotions, seemed to be trying to narrate a tale to me, the one with millions of secrets hidden deep inside his heart. But his sealed lips wouldn’t allow him to speak a word, since he was cradled deep into a peaceful sleep.

However distracting his beautiful face could be, my gaze remained still towards him as his last night’s words flashed in my head like a bright hot day sun, “I couldn’t have you, could I?”

There was no way he was trying to be serious though it was written all over his face and I could read it. I love him more than anything on the face of earth, but not everyone gets what they want. Besides, he has a remarkably beautiful and caring girlfriend. I would never want him to break up with her for a girl like me… A big fat nothing.

But there were his deep brown eyes which pierced my soul deep last night. I was about to speak a few words, but I restricted myself to utter them, for I knew the consequences they would be causing; devastation of three lives. But now that he was deep in sleep, I decided to let out those words in whispers. I clenched his fingers tightly and pulled them closer to my chest.

”You’ve already got me long back, Zayn," I repeated the last words again, “Long Back.”

I whispered on the back side of his palm and closed my eyes to engulf the pain of not getting him, and the happiness of his presence.

But he remained motionless. There was a small part of my heart expecting him to wake up and complete that kiss we were left with at the so-called-date, but I knew this wouldn’t be correct.

I couldn’t sleep anymore since it was already time for Mr. Sun to come around and wake us all up; to start a new, hopefully adventurous day.

I let go off Zayn’s hand and walked towards the hall, leaving him in the balcony. I walked towards the living room to find something to do. That was when a phone caught my attention. It was Zayn’s.

I decided to go through his photo gallery, since obviously I didn’t want to stalk his personal life through messages.

I clicked on the small gallery icon and I was astonished to see an entire folder named My Stereo.

This guy seriously needs to stop doing all this, it’s so freaking adorable. Moreover, I can’t even have him!

There were almost a hundred pictures of me and Zayn from childhood. These were the same ones as that room back at his place in Bradford. He obviously had them in his phone since he couldn’t always go back to Bradford. But my gaze fell on the photo that was at the top of the gallery. It was a recent picture of me.

I realized that it was the one from Bradford, the night we slept in that room. I must’ve been asleep when he clicked it.

Just then I heard some footsteps coming from behind me. I shoved off the phone quickly to the place I had found it before.

 “What are you doing here so early in the morning, babe?” Harry spoke in his sexy sleepy voice. He was still half sleeping, I figured out.

He slept on the sofa besides me, his head on my lap. “Hello-? Why are you sleeping on my lap?” I asked almost rudely.

But he didn’t answer. So obvious of Harry Edward Styles, the so-called-womanizer of One Direction.

“Oh and by the way,” he began ignoring my question, ”Good Morning.”

“Good Morning” His voice was capable of melting my heart, I realized.

Before I could even know what was happening, my hands were already playing with his curls; something I do when I’m about to come up with some silly, involuntary question.

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