❥No Refunds ❥

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Character(s): Connor, Gavin Reed, Hank Anderson, multiple Traci bots.
Setting(s): the Eden Club
Rating: NSFW, includes smut.
Reader: Third Person.
Word count: 3389.

"Sexiest Androids in town? Now I see why you wanted to come here," Hank chuckled to himself, stopping to read a brightly lit up sign outside of the Eden Club.
Connor could feel himself blushing a bright blue as he followed the Lieutenant into the club. Truth be told, Connor really didn't want to visit the Eden Club. Of course, he'd known about it, and what went on inside of it, he was programmed to know the whole city for hell's sake. But he wasn't too fond of the idea of people-or androids-selling themselves for someone else's pleasure. He stepped through the sliding doors and looked around as Lieutenant Anderson continued walking. Connor's gaze flickered from the flashing lights, to the androids that were 'displaying themselves' inside of glass containers. He cringed at the idea of being kept in a glass container, only being able to function for other's pleasure.
His feet came to a stop as he ran his gaze over a certain Android, his heart pounding in his chest as he couldn't stop staring at her. Connor knew these androids were designed specifically for this purpose, to catch people's attention, but he pushed that thought aside as he continued to stare at this Android. He eyed the way the lights gently illuminated her figure, making her skin look soft, and smooth.
"Connor! What the fuck are you doing?" Hank interrupted Connor's thoughts, yelling back at the slim Android.
Connor's face lit up a beautiful shade of blue as he spoke quickly, shuffling closer to Hank,"C-Coming, Lieutenant!"
He followed close behind his partner now, slowing down behind him as Hank approached someone Connor didn't recognize. He wasn't quite sure why he couldn't point out who this person was, it was like his system was messing up for some odd reason.
"Hey, Hank." Connor heard the officer speak, but he didn't pay much attention to him.
His eyes darted from the bright, neon lights, to the androids in the cases, then to the speakers that were emitting very loud rap music. Connor assumed the music was being played to make things less awkward, and so you couldn't hear...certain things that were going on in the building.
"Oh, Gavin's in there by the way." The officer whispered to Hank, yet Connor picked it up.
"Great," Lieutenant Anderson huffed,"Just what I need, a dead body and an asshole."
Connor's footsteps followed close behind Lieutenant Anderson's, following him into a private room. Flashing lights of cameras entered his vision as the officers captured images of the Traci that was laying on the floor, their cameras flashing five times a second. He ran his gaze over the large bed that was in the room, then to the body. His thoughts were interrupted as Detective Reed spoke.
"...Just got more action than he could handle," he laughed at his unfunny joke, eyeing Connor.
"We'll have a look around anyway." Hank spit back at him, sighing afterward.
Connor began to scan the body on the bed, taking note of the bruises on his neck, and on his wrists.
"Let's go," Detective Reed spoke loudly to the officers that were in the room,"It's starting to stink like booze in here anyway."
He shoulder checked Connor on his way out, ignoring Lieutenant Anderson completely. Connor couldn't understand why Gavin didn't like him, and went out of his way to be rude to him. He'd only been nice to Detective Reed, he'd even got him a coffee. Despite all of this, he knew that he could be just as petty if he tried.
"You see anything Connor?" Hank inquired, stepping closer to the body.
Connor spoke quickly, his voice washed with a tint of anger from thinking about Gavin,"There are bruises on his neck, as well as his wrists."
"Doesn't prove anything though, could've been rough play." Hank huffed, turning to check the side table.
'Rough play?' Connor inquired to himself, searching for what Hank could have possibly meant. Oh.
He continued to search the room, a bright blue blush covering his cheeks before he spotted the Traci bot once again. He knew this was going to be a tough investigation.
"Club policy is to wipe the Traci's memories every two hours. We only have ten minutes to find a witness!" Connor exclaimed as he made his way out of the room, looking around.
Hank was close behind, following practically on Connor's heels. The Android made it's way toward a Traci in a glass container, looking at the pin pad next to the glass case. He held his hand up to the pad, hoping he could just charge his account to 'rent' the Traci, but he was denied.
"Hank!" He exclaimed, turning and waiting for Hank to come over to him.
The Lieutenant quickly made his way over to Connor, raising an eyebrow as he saw what Connor was standing by.
"Can you rent this Traci?" Connor inquired innocently.
Hank rolled his eyes and turned around,"For fuck's sake Connor, we have better things to do with our time."
"Please." Connor begged him.
Apparently Lieutenant Anderson understood that it was probably for the investigation, so he turned, and made his way back to Connor.
"This isn't gonna look good on my financial report." He chuckled and purchased a session with the Traci.
As soon as the glass case opened, Connor grabbed her arm, probing her memory. He saw the blue-haired Traci make her way toward the entrance of the club, and he let go.
"This way!" Connor ran toward the entrance, completely forgetting about the Android Hank had bought.
Lieutenant Anderson stayed behind, trying to clear up with the Traci that she could go back into her 'case'.
"Club policy issues me to tell you that there are no refunds," she rested her hand on her hip.
"Keep the money then..?" Hank shrugged, and started looking around for Connor.
All the while, Connor had been stopped in front of the blue-haired Traci's 'case', his eyes roaming her figure. He couldn't stop staring at her smooth skin, the green, pink, and blue lights emitting a glow onto her. He knew this was the Deviant they'd been searching for, but dear god he couldn't help but stare at her. He lifted his hand onto the pin pad, the lights on the top of the case now glowing green as the glass opened. He found it strange that this one accepted his hand print, while the other hadn't, but he shrugged it off. The Traci stepped out of the glass, running her fingers over Connor's shoulders, making Connor tense up.
He was at a loss for what to do. Connor had never had anybody-another android nonetheless-make him feel like this. He tried to speak, but only a string of disbanded words came out.
Though he sounded quite silly, the Traci continued to touch on him, grabbing his tie and pulling it toward her, running her fingers down his chest. Of course, this is what she had been programmed to do, but she couldn't quite understand why she actually felt something for Connor.
"Do you not want me to show you to a room?" She inquired innocently, winking at him.
Connor's face blushed bright blue, and he shook his head,"N-no, I-"
She interrupted him, pulling him closer by his tie, their faces only inches apart now.
"Club policy issues that I tell you that there are..." she wrapped an arm around his neck and swerved to whisper in his ear,"no refunds."
Connor, not wanting to be rude, figured he should let her bring him to a room, and then tell her he didn't want to do anything. He couldn't embarrass her, right?
"T-take me to a room then," he stuttered, winking at her.
She smiled brightly before grabbing the end of Connor's blue tie and led him to a room, like a dog on the end of a leash. She closed the door behind him, stepping into the dark room. She gently sat him down on the large bed, throwing his tie over his shoulder. Connor's eyes glanced around to the thin, neon lights that lined the ceiling. The rest of the room was dark, the pink and blue lights being the only source of light in the room. The colors gently outlined the Traci's skin, making her blue hair look soft.
She walked toward the door and turned the lights down, so only an outline of her was visible, and the music up. Connor found he was quite fond of being alone with her in the dark, with loud rap music playing in the background. Walking back toward him, she sat on his lap, facing him. It was obvious that Connor had no idea what he was supposed to do, so she gently grabbed his hands and steadied them on her own hips. Connor tightened his grip a bit, opening his mouth in shock. The Traci rolled her hips slowly, watching Connor's reaction. He closed his eyes and threw his head back, his mouth open agape. She pulled his head back down, kissing him tenderly on the lips. He groaned into her mouth, gently squeezing her hips as she continued to roll onto him. Connor had never had anybody make him feel this good, ever.
The Traci broke the kiss, her hands working fast to unbutton Connor's button-up, throwing the jacket to the ground. She then slowly unbuttoned his polo-shirt, slowly rolling her hips into Connor's ever growing bulge. Throwing his polo to the ground, Connor's tie was the only thing that remained on his chest. Traci yanked his tie forward, Connor lunging his head toward her.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" She asked, her tone soft, yet playful.
Truth be told, it was hard for Connor to talk while he was in a state of ecstasy, but he managed to choke his name out.
"It's Connor." He said huskily, growing more confident in himself.
He sprinkled gentle kisses against Traci's neck, a small whimper escaping her mouth. Connor assumed this flipped a switch in Traci, as she pushed him down onto the bed, slowly crawling up his body. She stopped at his belt line, aggressively throwing his belt to the ground, and yanking his pants down. She ran her tongue around Connor's bulge, making him emit a soft plea.
"W-what're you-" he started, only to be interrupted as Traci palmed him.
"Just relax, Connor," Traci whispered quietly, just before slowly tugging down the brim of Connor's boxers.
Connor moaned as Traci slowly stroked him at a painstaking pace, wanting to get the most out of him. His eyebrows were raised in a state of pleasure, his eyes closed and mouth open, his face flushed bright blue. Traci ran one hand up Connor's chest while using the other to continuously pleasure him. She focused on her pace, making Connor get close, and then she'd stop.
"W-why are you teasing me?" Connor groaned, his hand finding it's way into Traci's hair.
Traci only chuckled before she climbed up his body, licking a slow stripe up his chest, over his chin, and then connected their lips. She groaned into Connor's mouth, her hands gripping his tie tightly. Within a couple of seconds, Connor had flipped her over, now towering above her slim figure. His hands slowly made their way down her hips as he connected their lips, gently pulling down the panties she had on. While Connor was staying mostly quiet, other than his moans and whimpers, Traci was quite the opposite.
"Feeling confident now, are we Connor?" She questioned, her grip on his tie tightening.
Connor only blushed harder before he responded,"Not my fault you're so damn enticing." He growled before slamming into Traci.
She let out a moan and yanked on his tie, bringing their faces inches apart while Connor continued to slowly slam into her. Connor found it extremely arousing that he could hear her heavy breathing as he fucked her, and could see how beautiful she was when she closed her eyes in pleasure, and blushed.
"More, Connor-" Traci whined and wrapped her legs around Connor's waist, craving the feeling of his warm skin on her.
Connor sped up his pace, and began to sprinkle kisses across Traci's face, on her nose, on her chin, and down to her neck. He brought his hands up to her face, gently cupping her cheeks, before moving in to kiss her. He moaned into her mouth as he ran his tongue over hers, slamming himself into her. He admired the way her body bounced up and down as he fucked her, and how her moans were almost in staccatos as she let out small bursts of pleasure.
"You're so pretty..." Connor mumbled between kisses, loving the feeling of his lips on her warm skin,"Couldn't keep my eyes off of you out there,"
Traci giggled and yanked his tie upward, kissing him before speaking.
"I noticed-fuck! Right there," she panted, squeezing Connor's tie,"knew I needed you," she moaned.
Connor groaned at her dirty talk, wanting more,"Knew you needed me to what, sweetheart?" He panted as he continued to slam into her.
Traci moaned before she spoke, squeezing her eyes closed,"Needed you to fuck me until I couldn't think straight," she panted,"needed to have your dick throbbing inside of me,"
Connor moaned loudly before kissing her fiercely, sucking on her bottom lip.
"You should've said so sooner," he growled, picking up his pace,"Would've been fucking your pretty pussy a while ago," he groaned.
He snapped his hips forward at a vicious pace now, his cock throbbing inside of Traci. Connor threw his head back and snapped his hips forward, pushing as far as he could go. Traci could only squeeze her legs tighter around Connor as she bounced up and down, never wanting this feeling to end.
"Right there," she begged,"don't stop!"
"Wasn't planning on it," he growled, his breath stuttering as he fucked Traci as fast as he could.
Traci groaned loudly as she came, her hips jerking into Connor.
"Fuck-" Connor growled, leaning upward, only to yank his tie and collar off, before throwing them into the ground with force.
He leaned over Traci now, his hands grasping her sides as he continued to slam into her, savoring the way she felt around him.
"Cum for me Connor," Traci groaned, wrapping her arms around his back,"Fuck fuck fuck-!"
Connor groaned at his release, Traci's dirty words finishing him off. He slowly pulled out of Traci, groaning at the release of pressure, before collapsing onto her chest, sighing deeply. The two lay there in silence for quite some time, before a knock was heard on the door. Both Connor and Traci jumped, and scrambled to find their clothes. Traci pulled on the panties she'd had on before turning the music down and the lights up, turning to look at Connor. His face was bright blue as he adjusted his tie, now fully clothed. He nodded shyly at her and she opened the door, stepping backward.
"Connor, there you are," Lieutenant Anderson sighed and walked into the room, standing in front of Connor.
Connor glanced over Hank's shoulder, only to see Traci, her face flushed blue as she laughed quietly. He returned his glance back to Hank, nodding.
"I was just talking to this Traci about the incident," he coughed, his voice cracking.
Hank raised his eyebrows and turned to her, sighing as he realized what had probably gone on.
"I'm sure you were. I'm going out to the car. Just-hurry," he sighed and shook his head before leaving the room.
The Traci shut the door after Hank left, and spoke softly.
She wasn't sure if he was going to take her in for being a deviant, even after what she'd done to him. Quite frankly, she was terrified of dying. Especially after she'd met someone like Connor. Someone she'd actually felt something about.
He slowly approached her, his feet stumbling to a stop, their faces inches apart. His eyes fluttered closed as he dove forward, connecting their lips. He sighed into her mouth, before pulling back, and observing her expression.
"I'll find a way to get you out of here." He smiled deeply at her, assuming that she didn't like 'working' here too much.
Not only that, but Connor was jealous of the other men that probably got the same thing he just had. It saddened him to know that he wasn't the only one who she'd gotten intimate with.
"Thank you." She whispered, her gaze adverting to the floor as a blush spread across her face.
Connor gently placed one finger under her chin and lifted, causing them to be eye-to-eye now. He winked swiftly at her before the corners of his mouth curved into a warm smile.
"As long as you'll come with me, I think I know what to do. Lieutenant Anderson is quite fond of deviants, and I assure you he'll understand," he suggested warmly.
Traci only nodded as she grabbed Connor's hand, before opening the door, and following Connor's lead. He opened the exit, holding the door for the Traci as she smiled to herself.
Now to find Hank.
"Lieutenant?" Connor hesitantly asked as he knocked on the door of Hank's car, waiting for him to unlock it.
Hank looked shocked as he unlocked the doors, eyeing the Traci. Connor helped her into the back of the car before closing the door, going to the other side, and getting in. He huffed as he buckled his seatbelt, turning toward the Traci.
"So what the hell is a Traci doing in my car, Connor?" Hank threw his hands up into the air, turning to stare at Connor.
"I assure you there's a good purpose, Lieutenant. This is the deviant we were searching for, though I see no reason for her to be..." Connor struggled with the words, turning to face Traci.
"Destroyed?" Hank finished Connor's sentence, resting his hand on his hand as he sighed.
Connor only nodded and grabbed Traci's hand quickly, gripping it tightly as he awaited Hank's response.
"I won't tell Fowler we caught her if you can get her changed and..." he sighed, face palming,"find somewhere for her to stay, for fucks sake."
Connor's eyes lit up as he smiled at Traci, hope filling his heart. Though he'd only met Traci through a rather intimate encounter, he couldn't take his eyes off of her, and it seemed as if he relished her presence.
"I will, Lieutenant! I promise!" He smiled brightly like a kid who'd just made a compromise with their parent.
"I swear I don't get paid enough for this shit..." Hank sighed before pulling out of the Eden Club parking lot.
The three sat in silence, the small pot holes in the road being the only noise as they made hank's car slightly bounce. Out of nowhere, Traci slowly grabbed Connor's hand and rested it on her lap, as she scoot closer to him. Connor smiled lightly and blushed bright blue as his eyes stared out of the window. He gazed at the cities neon street signs for a bit, the lights making him reminisce the feelings he got in the room Traci had taken him to. It was like he got an abrupt feeling of affection that had built up in him, he couldn't take it anymore. He turned toward Traci, connecting their lips in an instant. He knew he had to be quiet or Hank would probably tell him that he was being 'fucking gross and mushy' so he stayed quiet while kissing her, only tightening his soft grip on her hand.
He couldn't help the bright smile that covered his face as they kissed, and he never wanted it to end. Quite frankly, Connor couldn't give a shit right now if Hank thought he was being mushy. He disregarded the man driving them both home and continued kissing Traci, knowing he wouldn't stop until they'd gotten home.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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