Ignoring the many gazes, you fixed Tomura a steely look. "I'll protect Katsuki-kun with my life and my status as a hero or villain has nothing got to do with it."

When Bakugou heard your declaration, his cheeks took on a red tint as his heart swelling with happiness. "I-I don't need you to protect me, dipshit! I'm capable of doing so by myself!"

"Says the one who got himself kidnapped so easily." You rolled your eyes in response.

"Enough!" Tomura shouted. "Get her away from the blonde!"

(E/C) eyes narrowed as you focused on all the villains who were grinning at you like madmen, licking their lips in anticipation for a fight with you. "You wanna separate Katsuki-kun? Well, you'll have to do it over my dead body."

You were having a stare down with the leader of the League of Villain when you felt Bakugou slipping his left hand into your right one, intertwining his fingers with yours. You looked at the joint hands in surprise before glancing up at the blonde whose back was facing yours, the red tip of his ears giving away the fact he was feeling flustered.

"You're not the only who wants to protect the ones they love." Bakugou gave your hand an encouraging squeeze. "So, let me you protect you this time around."

Pink tinted your cheeks and you moved your gaze to the ground, a small smile hidden behind your hair that blocked your face from any unwanted attention. "Thank you."

"You still owe me an explanation though," Bakugou muttered.

You let out a shaky sigh but nonetheless hummed in agreement. After you had broken his trust, telling the truth was the first step to reconciling that trust once more.

"I'll tell you everything once this is all over, but for now, you ready to kick some assess?" You teasingly asked, knowing that Bakugou was always up for a fight no matter what.

Without even looking at his face, you knew he was smirking as he released your hand and got into a fighting stance. "I can't wait to blast their asses to smithereens!"

You let out a chuckle, feeling ten times lighter already. Copying Bakugou, you activated your quirk as vines came to life, whipping behind you like tentacles. "You take the left, I'll take the right. How does that sound?"

"First one to take down the villains win!"

"This isn't a competition you asshat! We're in the middle of a fight for goodness sake!" You exclaimed exasperatedly.

"I don't f*cking—"


Bakugou's words were cut off when there was a loud crashing sound appearing all of a sudden. All heads turned in the direction of the sound and they were shocked to see three UA students crashing straight to the broken wall.

"Izuku-kun?!" You exclaimed, jaw-dropping at the sight of your green-haired childhood friend as well as your other classmates. "What are you guys doing here?!"

At that moment, a huge wall of ice appeared which acted as a ramp as Midoriya, Kirishima and Iida flew into the air and scaling high above the villains where they were out of harm's reach.

Immediately, you knew what the three were doing – they were here to recuse Bakugou. Grinning to yourself, you shook your head. "You never fail to surprise me, do you, Izuku-kun."

"Come!" Kirishima shouted loudly which caught Bakugou's attention, a hand reaching out towards him as though saying 'We're here for you'.

You turned your attention towards the blonde who was staring his red-haired friend with gritted teeth, his fists clenching. You knew the war that was waging on within his mind because you were the cause of it.

I'm Here For You (Bakugou x Villain!Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon