xiii. | 【tredecim】

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Melyna instantly couldn't stand the scent that hit her like a train when she stepped through the threshold of the Cullen house

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Melyna instantly couldn't stand the scent that hit her like a train when she stepped through the threshold of the Cullen house.  When she smelled it lingering on the porch she assumed it was nothing more than the lingering scent of Bella's mutt guests but as soon as she entered the house she knew she was disgustingly mistaken.

Jacob growled as soon as he saw Melyna, his burly body tensing with a mixture of fear and anger.  With a slight hand, Melyna shoved Angela behind her, dropping to a defensive crouch as she released a snarl of her own.  "Stop, Jake!"  Bella shouted, regaining the room's attention.  "This isn't Carlisle's decision.  It isn't any of yours."

"Jacob,"  Edward's gravely tortured voice filled the room.  "I need to talk to you."

The fueding men left the room and Bella leaned back against the couch, pulling the blanket up to cover her stomach as she let out a quiet breath of discomfort.  "She's been asking for you,"  Rosalie pointed out, seeming quiet displeased after all the work she had put in.

Alice and Jasper disappeared, presumably because yet another argument had taken place that had further driven a wedge between the adopted siblings.

Carlisle was back in his study to research more while Esme insisted on making Angela lunch.

"Lynn's the only one that doesn't treat me like a little kid."  Bella pointed out with a small frown.  "Rose, will you grab me a glass of water?"  The blonde huffed and reluctantly disappeared into the kitchen.

"So, what?  Everyone has to do what you want now because you're pregnant?"  Melyna asked with an amused smile.  Bella went lax against the vampire's side, pinning her to the couch as she let out a weak laugh.

Despite her attempt to keep up appearances, Bella truly was dying.  It'd be a miracle if she lasted long enough to deliver the baby she was so hellbent on having.  "No, they do it because I'm dying."  Neither of them laughed as Melyna toyed with a lock of dull thinning hair.  It seemed that even in her absence, Bella's cheeks had hollowed out, even more, her skin turning alabaster, not unlike her vampire companions.  "Will you promise me something?"

Melyna snorted.  "Maybe.  Seems like you've all roped me into a lot of promises."

"This one's different."

"Alright, I'll listen."  Melyna offered the human just to humor her.

"If I die, take care of the baby."  Her words weighed heavy in the room, choking Melyna with the sudden tension.  "Edward won't want it.  He'll be too upset.  I want you to take care of him for me."

"You have some real shit logic if you decided on me as the guardian of your kid."  Melyna pointed out, her throat went painfully dry as she tried to ignore the listening ears.

"It just feels right."  Bella offered her flimsy reasoning.

Melyna didn't have a chance to respond as Jacob stormed back into the house.  Rosalie, ever the bodyguard, appeared against the doorframe.  "Rose, I'm fine, really."  Bella pointed out, urging the blonde to let the mutt through.

She did with an indignant huff, storming off to reunite with her husband.  Melyna slipped gingerly out of Bella's hold, letting her come to rest against the couch once more as she moved to the TV room.

Angela had busted out her freshly bought knitting supplies and had begun the process.  Shimmering needles clacked against one another as an array of colors mixed as they crawled from Angela's hands like webs.

Jasper walked in, his honeyed hair was loose down to his chin in soft waves with a few strands tucked behind either ear, his steps were light against the hardwood as he presented Melyna with the violin she had forgotten in Edward's Ashton Martin.

"I didn't know you played."  He remarked, handing her the case.  For a moment their scarred fingers brushed and an understanding settled.

"I haven't in a hundred years or so.  Instruments are a good outlet."  Melyna set the case on the couch, not bothering to open it.  "It helps a lot."

He wasn't sure what she meant it helped with.  But help with anything would do him good.  A storm constantly raged in Jasper's head, making his gift sort of ironic.  He could calm others but he couldn't calm himself.  From the rampant cravings begging him to sink his teeth into the next human he saw, to the horrible flashes of his time with Maria.  He couldn't even look at his own skin without remembering.

"I used to play a little bit of trumpet.  Back when it was all the rage."  Jasper explained, a fond smile tugging at his naturally stoic face.  He had rolled the sleeves of his midnight button up to his elbows and Melyna glanced at the scars covering his arms, so close together there was barely room for his pale skin.  "Music was never really my thing.  I was more about art."

"I had an art phase back in the 18th century."  Melyna reminisced,  "Aro forced me to put them into storage.  One of a kind pieces, truly beautiful."

"That's disgraceful.  Art is meant to be seen, not hoarded."  Jasper pointed out.  "Do you have any of Gainsborough?"

Melyna hummed,  "I have his original Landscape In Suffolk, but the rest are just copies."  She was about to offer to show him but she stopped herself.  He would never make it out of the depths of the Volturi alive.

"Are you going to play something for us?"  Alice asked curiously, slipping into the room.  She wrapped a thin arm around her husband's waist, the hem of her bright floral dress danced as she moved.  Her dark messy hair had been tamed with a pink cloth headband with a knot resting just above her ear.  "We should wrangle Edward in.  Your music would sound beautiful together I'm sure."

Angela glanced up from her knitting.  "You should,"  She chimed shyly.  "The music would relax Bella."  It was a cheap ploy and she knew it but that didn't stop the shameless grin tugging at the human's lips.

"Maybe some other time,"  Melyna offered loosely.  "You humans need your rest."

Alice stood, holding out a hand to Angela.  "Come on, I have some clothes you can borrow."

Angela hesitantly slid her hand into Alice's casting a look at Melyna.  The vampire's lips quirked up.  "Night, Angel."

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