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Melyna waited, basked in the dim light of the front yard, watching Angela's little car disappear into the trees before she was willing to return to the wedding, per her mission's demand

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Melyna waited, basked in the dim light of the front yard, watching Angela's little car disappear into the trees before she was willing to return to the wedding, per her mission's demand. Her dress had suffered little damage from her fight with the wolves but it was the only thing. Her curls had become a vicious mess and her legs and arms were stained with specks and streaks of mud and grass stains.

She couldn't help her sigh, turning on her heel and heading for the Cullen's unlocked front door.

It took almost twenty minutes in the Cullen's bathroom to return her image to that of someone presentable and just like that she was drifting back to the party, the only reminder of her brief indiscretions being her missing jeweled hair clip that had bound her hair just back over her shoulder to enable the majority of it to spill over her right.

It hung wildly now, much like her hair always tended to do without some method to tame the madness.

Returning to the party, Melyna was quick to notice the vampires avoiding her. The young shifter had disappeared, predictably with his pack, and the bride had seemed to suddenly realized her husband's nervousness when it came to the Volturi guard.

Despite her rapid departure, Angela's scent lingered and it stood out above every other human at the party. The smell of pine swirled with chocolate had never made Melyna so ravenous.

Melyna downed the final drops in her blood-filled flask and sat down in the seat Angela had taken residence in to watch her friends dance. They had all returned to the table and periodically pulled Melyna into their quiet conversation as speeches from family and friends began.

Melyna found it hard to listen to their boring drawl, instead, setting her sights on the girl beside her. Lauren Mallory was her name and she basked in Melyna's attention, unlike a specific onyx hair human who seemed to be everything Melyna's typical prey wasn't.

But her intrigue with the girl did nothing to negate the fact that Melyna was hungry. And the girl beside her, eager for attention and glory was the perfect prey.

Her platinum hair was chopped short, clashing with her soft jaw and going against the modelesque look she was obviously striving for. The dried-out strands curled slightly around her small ears and was pushed back from her forehead, pushed up in a fashion that wasn't that different from Mike Newton's.

Her shimmering silver dress clung to her narrow frame in a fashion that was far closer to nightclub attire than it was to wedding-appropriate dress, making her look something akin to a disco ball in the rapid process of melting.

She was quick to drink up Melyna's cheap compliments and lingering touches as the vampire distracted herself from Emmett Cullen's painful innuendos and his accidental jokes that had Bella's father looking like he was going to burst.

Jessica's speech was so jealousy laced it choked the room and Melyna wasn't sure if she should have gone for the brunette instead, but alas Lauren was already clinging to Melyna's every word like it'd kill her to let go.

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