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Finding friendly capable locals to repair her indiscretions wasn't difficult

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Finding friendly capable locals to repair her indiscretions wasn't difficult. Everyone in the tiny town was willing and eager to meet and appease the mysterious new stranger, exotic by their standards. Dulling down the dreadful pain in her chest that flared up every time she left her house was another thing entirely.

With this came a lot more unwanted socialization with the townsfolk.

Her neighbors were so eager to befriend the oh so exotic young Italian that many didn't even stop to wonder where the previous owner went in such a hurry and why they heard nothing of it. The Webers, her neighbors a few doors down even invited her to dinner on Saturday. Blending sounded like a delightful challenge, better than more seduction and murder that would just mean long lectures from Carlisle.

So Melyna went all the way to Seattle to splurge on a bottle of wine she found acceptable and spent an hour looking through the newest fashion magazines before buying a new outfit.

Her heels ticked rhythmically as Melyna made her way up the sidewalk to the Webers' front door, unsurprisingly familiar despite the fact that she had never even passed through it.

She only had to knock once before the door flew open and Mrs. Weber was beaming at her. "Melyna, it's so nice to have you. Am I saying that right?"

"Yes, ma'am. And I am so glad that you've had me. Your home is so beautiful, Mrs. Weber." Melyna smiled charmingly, handing her the bottle of wine.

She eagerly accepted the bottle, letting out a small laugh. "Thank you so much, and please call me Patricia." Beckoning Melyna into the house, Patricia took her peach jacket, draping it over her arm. "You can go ahead in the dining room. I'll put your coat in the closet."

"Of course, thank you so much, Patricia." Melyna followed where Patricia had gestured. Walking through the front door you could see oak stairs leading to bedrooms and then a long hallway painted cream. The first doorway was a tall wide arch, leading to the living room and through a similar archway was the aforementioned dining room.

The room was lit up by a long chrome chandelier. Bright bulbs were spaced periodically along it, sheltered by glass bubbles. A long deep oak dining table sat in the middle of the room with small bouquets of pink flowers spaced along it. It accommodated eight people, with one of the high back leather chairs replaced with a dark wooden high chair.

Richard Weber stood when he saw her, an excited grin on his face. "Melyna, how good to see you. Let me introduce you to my children." He had four kids including the lovely Angela whose heart rate had skyrocketed the moment Melyna stepped into the room. Her leg was shaking furiously under the table as a deep blush colored her face. "This our oldest, Angela, she just graduated high school. Our twins, Isaac and Joshua, and our baby boy Ethan."

"Oh, Angela and I have met already." Melyna grinned, sliding into the seat next to the girl. "At Bella Swan's wedding. It was truly beautiful."

Richard glanced at his daughter with furrowed brows. "You should have told us, Angie. We could have had Melyna over sooner."

Patricia soon made her way back into the room, bringing with her dishes full of food, far too much for only seven people.

Melyna choked down a plate of food and made polite and charming conversation throughout the dinner party, trying to distract herself from the fact that she would be forced to throw up the meal later.

Angela had watched her during the entire meal and the mere fact delighted her. Her presence was intoxicating and her curiosity endearing. Melyna had never found a more intriguing plaything.

The dinner adjourned and Melyna hung around for another hour before she left, after being forced to hold their baby and grilled about the exotics of the world outside of Forks by Isaac and Joshua.

She waved goodbye and walked all the way to her house before turning on her heel and scaling the home to their attic.

Angela was pacing when Melyna slipped through the window, clearly expecting the vampire. Before she could speak, Melyna held up a single finger signaling her to wait. "Bathroom?" She asked in an attempt to be polite and not vomit into Angela's small wastepaper basket.

The food felt like rocks had settled into the bottom of her stomach, dragging her entire body down and taking an irritating toll on the fluidity of her movement.

Angela pointed sternly to a closed door against the far wall, watching as Melyna disappeared into it. She took in the impeccable organization that matched her bedroom to a T. Haircare products, makeup, and various night creams all seemed to have very specific spots in the room. The counters and floors were wiped down and the shower curtain drawn and smoothed out. The entire room looked so irritatingly like a magazine cover.

Flipping open the toilet Melyna released the contents of her stomach once before she rose and tied her hair back into a messy knot. The heavy feeling remained and Melyna again kneeled before the toilet, vomiting twice before she finally felt regular.

Melyna flipped on the sink, washing her hands with the chocolate-chip scented soap, her eyes landing on a small cup of fluffy white makeup brushes.

As she was drying her hands she moved it to the other side of the sink and returned to Angela's bedroom.

The human's anger had melted away like snow at the sounds of Melyna retching. "Are you okay?"

Melyna waved her off, tossing herself in the wheeled desk chair. "We can't digest human food but we eat occasionally to keep up appearances. I can't go to a dinner party and not eat dinner. So I eat and then just toss it back up when I'm in the clear." She explained easily.

Angela was frowning at the sudden revelation, her hands fidgeting from her guilt. "You don't need to eat to impress my family. You did that in the very first minute when you told my mom the house looked nice."

Melyna stood, trailing around the room. "Do you know why I'm here, Angel?" Angela shook her head silently. "When Edward told Bella about our kind he broke a law. Humans cannot, under any circumstance, can know about our kind. They need to be killed or turned so if Bella isn't a vampire by the end of the month, it's my job to take care of it."


She wasn't sure why she always had to ruin things. Melyna was in good standing with the family, Angela had become even more comfortable with her. It was a sinking feeling in her stomach that told her she was scared because this was no longer a game. Melyna liked Angela. She liked her too much for it to be good for either of them.

The vampire was frighteningly still now, her fingers curled tightly around a worn book. "If it reaches the end of the month I am going to kill her. It's that simple." She whirled on the human, grabbing Angela's chin between her slim digits. The sick delight of seeing the fear in a weaker creature's eyes did not swirl in her stomach. Melyna just felt nauseous.  "I am not like the Cullens.  Remember that."

Elysium || Angela WeberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora